Need A Moses?

Need Moses - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 5th Sep, 2005 - 7:05am

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Do you think that too many people look for a 'savior' before taking action themselves?
Post Date: 5th Apr, 2005 - 12:54pm / Post ID: #


Need A Moses?

In history most groups / nations have awaited one person to lead them out of whatever struggle or pitfall they viewed themselves in... do you think that is a mistake or is really necessary to await one man to lead the way? Why can't large groups of people make decisions for themselves as a collective?

"Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves."
-- Eugene Victor Debs - From an address on Industrial Unionism delivered at Grand Central Palace. New York City, Dec. 18,1905.

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Post Date: 6th Apr, 2005 - 8:41am / Post ID: #

Need A Moses?
A Friend

Moses Need

I think the idea of a Savior is one of hope. A Savior coming brings the hope of change and of something better. In biblical new testament times, Josephus Flavius record five other 'Messiahs' that proclaimed to be sent of God and born of a virgin, thus fulfilling the prophecies. Why did all these people gain acceptance as to their messianic personage? Because the Romans where oppressive and the Jews needed someone to believe in, someone who would deliver them from Rome's hands. Thats what they expected that Jesus was going to do. Saviors and Messiah's all stem from hopelessness and the need to feel like there is a better tomorrow. Today, christians view Jesus as the Savior. We need look no further than modern christianity to see why a Savior is needed. The coming of the Savior brings a new and a glorious era of a thousand years (depending on interpretation) and after a following short period, an eternity of a perfect life with God himself. Life is hard, there are always troubles. People need a savior to believe in to bring hope. That is why religion of some sort is claimed to be practised by nearly 95% of the world. Saviors and Messiahs bring hope to people. Yes, a Moses, or a Savior is needed, whether in spirit, mind, or in reality, people need a Savior.

6th Apr, 2005 - 11:53am / Post ID: #

Need A Moses? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I noticed you took a more religious stance on this, but being that we are in the Culture and Tradition Board I do not think the focus is on the divine necessarily. Throughout history mere mortals and average people took the mantle, shared their view and made the change. Names like Mandela, Geronimo, and Ghandi come to mind. They never claimed any 'special' powers, but they were unafraid of the pain and suffering that would be inflicted upon them in order to make the change. The masses seeing this also joined in thus showing that one can make the difference. Now, with regards to bodies of people acting I think that the problem is that large groups always share different ideas as to how to make the change thus making it hard to pin point an answer. Usually the most meaningful person with a group will take the mantle as 'brain' of the 'body' of people.

Post Date: 6th Apr, 2005 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #

Need A Moses?
A Friend

Moses Need

I think that awaiting a good leader is probably the safest thing to do. I know that I am a follower no matter how much I normally argue to the contrary and the reason I am a follower is because I weigh the risks of most everything I do. Sticking my neck out is usually not worth the risk, plus I do not have much faith in my fellow man to back me up and support me.
Timing can be crucial when making a large movement and it could be that if a leader hasn't manifested him/herself the timing just isn't right- If you try to start a movement too early then you won't have enough support and will only cause serious trouble for yourself. Therefore I would wait on somebody else to lead, let them take the risk (cowardly, I know.)
As far as why people can't organize themselves as a collective, I believe that JB hit it on the nose- There are so many ways to achieve a certain goal that everyone just can't decide what is the best path to take. Apart from this, I believe people distance themselves from one another- even if they share common goals. A homophobe doesn't want to work alongside a homosexual, a racist doesn't want to work alongside whatever he is racist against, middle class don't share the same goals as the poor, etc. etc.
It takes a very powerful person to be able to break down these barriers and amass public support

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2005 - 2:22am / Post ID: #

Need A Moses?
A Friend

Moses Need

Call me an individualist but I think people are more eager to look for a leader then do what needs to be done to accomplish their own dreams. Is it human nature to look for a leader? I am personally distrustful of people untill I have seen their history of their life simply because how do I know they are not mainpulating me? Look at history! Hitler promised to get Germany out of the Great Depression. Ok, well he did but also started the holocaust,elimanated democracy and started the Second World War. Lenin promised economic reforms but Communism ended up just as bad as Czarism. And nobody can't forget the fiasco that was the French Revovlution. I know I sould pessimistic but I completely agree with what Hobbes said. I guess maybe that's why I have few friends.

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2005 - 7:05am / Post ID: #

Need A Moses?
A Friend

Need A Moses?

I agree, I was very quick to take the divine look at this since its my forte, but people in general look for a leader. Its much easier to wait for someone else to take the lead then do things yourself. Being a follower is fine, but there are times to wait and times to do. Often times waiting for the savior, in what ever your situation is, can cost you. An then, I like YK's history lesson above, that just because a savior presents itself, doesn't mean they are the right person you want to be following.

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