Israel Vs. The Middle East - Page 3 of 20

You are right about supporting the wrong people - Page 3 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 19th Jul, 2006 - 1:25am

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vs. This is not about the Israel vs. Palestine issue covered in another thread. This is about every other country in the Middle East, yes, Israel has many enemies, in fact they surround her.
15th Jul, 2006 - 12:36pm / Post ID: #

Israel Vs. The Middle East - Page 3

The Whole Point of the Matter...

Using nuclear weapons when everyone is so closely knitted together physically is stupid really. The after effect of such a thing on the region will only hurt the economy, wild stock / agriculture and of course people of the Middle East. If they want to fight out it is my hope that they will remain conventional, if they do not it has the potential to become WWIII because the bigger guns will want to get involved.

Let us also keep in mind that not all Arab countries are friendly towards each other. We have seen Iran vs. Iraq and Syria vs. Lebanon and so forth. The only one thing they unify on is that Israel should not exist. I can tell you that if Israel did not exist they would continue to fight for another reason be it land, religion or what have you... my point is... war is in the blood of these people, they have been fighting for centuries and it is not about to stop now.

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Post Date: 15th Jul, 2006 - 9:42pm / Post ID: #

Israel Vs. The Middle East
A Friend

East Middle Vs Israel

London-based Arabic language newspaper Al-Hayat says Israel gave Syria 72 hours to stop Hizbullah's activity, bring about release of kidnapped IDF troops. "Israel will not end military activity until new situation created that will prevent Syria, Iran from using terror organizations to threaten its security," newspaper quotes Pentagon official as saying


Fox News is also reporting that Lebanon is asking for a seise fire. Israel rejects the seise fire until Hizbullah is disarmed.

I have a positive feeling, for some unknown reason, that these latest developments might indicate that this may come to an end in a few days.

Hopefully, 72 hours, or so, from now.

Post Date: 16th Jul, 2006 - 11:14am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Israel Vs. The Middle East Judaism Studies


A rocket attack by Hezbollah killed at least eight Israelis on Sunday in the northern coastal city of Haifa, according to Israeli medical services.


Americans could be evacuated from Lebanon using an "air bridge" of fast-moving
aircraft, U.S. military officials said Saturday.

17th Jul, 2006 - 4:43pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 East Middle Vs Israel

As international concern grows about the fighting in the Middle East separate diplomatic efforts to end the conflict are continuing. 

Did anyone see that footage where Bush is telling Blair that Syria has to tell Hezbollah to stop that s***? Now that is what I call cowboy language, especially when in public.

In other reports it is said that a number of Canadians have also died / been injured due to Israeli strikes.

18th Jul, 2006 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

East Middle Vs Israel

I have watched for years as an uneasy ( quiet ) would descend over the area, and Palestine would pop a suicide bomb on an Israeli bus, or in a busy market, or at a nightclub, and kill dozens.
Then when Israel retaliated the world news media always showed some Palestinian screaming, "Now we have to retaliate!" Palestine is going to "retaliate" because Israel retaliated. How many times have you seen it happen? Give me a break.

Post Date: 18th Jul, 2006 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Israel Vs. The Middle East


Israeli air strikes killed 11 Lebanese soldiers on Tuesday as Israel continued its aerial bombardment of Lebanon in a campaign to recover two soldiers captured last week by Hezbollah.


Canada wants Israel and Lebanon to guarantee they will not attack six ships scheduled to pick up Canadians stranded in the strife-torn country, Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said.

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18th Jul, 2006 - 11:59pm / Post ID: #

Israel Vs. Middle East - Page 3

Mousetrails, it seems like this time Israel has had enough and is bombing Lebanon daily. In fact, there is an international evacuation underway which means serious business is coming. Here are some news clips on the war:

World Health Organization: Lebanese Residents Displaced by Israeli
Bombardment Expected to Top 900,000

Israel continues to target Lebanon's infrastructure and bomb civilian neighborhoods. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization expects the number of Lebanese residents displaced by the assault to reach 900,000 by the end of today. We go to Beirut to get a report from Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post.

If it is 900,000 or 9,000,000 this is the hard thing about war, the innocent - children and women will get caught up in it, BUT they should have thought about that before. When I say 'they' those who could have taken Hezbollah and other extremest groups out of their country. Letting them linger and even support them is a BIG mistake.

A Sampling of Arab TV Coverage of the Middle East Crisis

We look at how Israel's bombardment of Lebanon is being covered in the Arab world by turning to MOSAIC, an award-winning program on LinkTV that compiles television news reports from more than 30 television outlets throughout the Middle East. We play an excerpt of MOSAIC's newscast and speak with Jamal Dajani, director of Middle Eastern Programming at Link TV.

U.S. EXCLUSIVE: Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad on U.S. Foreign Policy, the Resistance in Iraq, Syrian-Lebanese Relations and More

In a Democracy Now U.S. broadcast exclusive, we air an interview with Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad. He spoke with independent journalist Reese Erlich last month in Damascus in a wide-ranging interview on United States foreign policy, resistance to the occupation of Iraq, Syrian relations with Lebanon and much more.

19th Jul, 2006 - 1:25am / Post ID: #

Israel Vs. Middle East Studies Judaism - Page 3

You are right about supporting the wrong people in Lebanor and women and childre paying the price. These are terrorist murderers. Human life means nothing to them. They don't want peace, they want to see Israel wiped from the face of the earth. They want their version of being Muslim to rule the earth. This war will not end until they are wiped out to the last man.

Did you hear about their little party in Bagdad today. They had machine guns mounted on trucks and mowed down women and children as they ran away. They are sick!

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