Why Do People Hate Jews?
Why Do People Hate Jews, what did they do so bad?
I personally don't hate them, but the consensus seems to be because of the fact that they gave Jesus Christ up to be crucified. I just see this as their calling by God at the time, and I don't believe it is a bad reflection of their people. Also because they only view Jesus Christ as a prophet and not the Son of God, puts them in a lesser light.
People throughout history did not like Jews because they Jews have been able to survive so many hardships while other cultures fell under less. Because of the traditions Jews hold they have stayed healthy while others fell to plague. This made others believe they were working with the devil since they never got sick.
(note: In Judaism they keep themselves incredibly clean as a means of curing or keeping away sickness and disease while, in the Medieval days, Christians believed it unholy to bathe.) Plus, many times Jews were only allowed to work in banking and were blamed for the Great Depression by many ignorant people.
And yes even more ignorant people believe the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.
Judaism is repugned and looked upon with aversion for four reasons:
1) It is the foundation of all civilized, monotheistic and truthful religions
2) They crucified our Lord Jesus Christ (though His death was necessary)
3) The Jewish priesthoods, I.e. the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees, were often hypocritical and misruled, taking advantage of their power
4) They were open to controversy and were very vulnerable. Regardless of Rome's siding with Jerusalem, Pompey seeing the haphazard strife throughout saw the opportunity and seized it. Edited: SivanIlius on 15th Sep, 2006 - 6:27pm
Name: David
Comments: In recent times, there is an added resentment of Jews due to the Middle East situation and 9/11. 9/11 certainly happened because of the USA's support for Israel. there are simply many people who do not feel it is right that America should sacrifice its people for the sake of the Jews. This was also a not uncommon feeling during WWII as well.
I took two courses in Judaism at the ,local Cal State University for the express reason of finding why the Jews have always been persecuted. The question was never answered, so after classes I asked the Jewish instructor. She still wouldn't venture any information on the subject, so I asked if it was because they have always voluntarily set themselves aside from the general population of any land they settled in and refused to assimilate, or "mix," thus making themselves an unknown in the community. She said I was very close, so I took it as a good guess and left.
We human beings don't care for "unknowns." We feel uncomfortable when we don't know what, or who, we are dealing with. I was made fun of all through high school because I went to a holyroller church. So I personally understand the general population shying away from, or making fun of, dress, and actions, and customs, and religion that is not what we are used to.
My feeling is that at least some Jews would love to be accepted by the community, but after 4000 years with their God they are afraid to change and wouldn't know how if they wanted to.
I think in reading all of the comments you have pretty much touched on why there is anti-semitism in the world. Jews have done really well no mater where they have ended up. It is a result of a few things, I think. One is that the Jewish Community is very supporting of itself. Once a Jewish population moves into a community, they branch out into nearly everything the community needs (retailer, doctors, etc...). With the success that the community has they can actually give loans amongst themselves to help others start successful businesses. This is the self supporting part of a Jewish Community that sets itself apart from other minorities. Additionally, Jewish families place top emphasis on education. Your father may run a convenience store, but there are bigger plans for you. They sacrifice many things in the present for what education will bring in the future. In newly formed Jewish communities, Jews are able to make money from businesses that are traditionally not profitable for the amount of work required. They do this typically through a network of Jewish connections. Success breeds contempt...and they really are not concerned with "mixing" in with the culture if it is a traditional Jewish Population within the community.
I am not really sure how many people really hate the Jews because they voted to kill Jesus. I mean...Jesus was a Jew. I am sure there are some, I just cant get a feeling for how many this might be.
Jews do want to be accepted intot he community, but do not really want to be in the mix. They tend to want to maintain their traditions and associate more with themselves than others within the community. This is very similar to black culture in the US and I find it as no surprise that the initial civil rights movement had black and jews working hand in hand to get it done. Edited: Vincenzo on 31st Mar, 2008 - 11:22am