Malaysia Plane Crashes - Page 5 of 15

Saturday's search for the missing - Page 5 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 22nd Mar, 2014 - 10:18pm

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Malaysia Plane Crashes Malaysia Plane Crash Victims
22nd Mar, 2014 - 12:31am / Post ID: #

Malaysia Plane Crashes - Page 5

If the plane crashed then its probably at the bottom of the ocean and any debris might just be too small to detect. They will need to get some subs out and check.

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22nd Mar, 2014 - 5:47am / Post ID: #

Crashes Plane Malaysia

I am one of the last to jump on conspiracy theories, but this one is pretty odd. Transponders turned off before the last transmission from the engineer. Apparently, the plane had already deviated from the flight path before the last transmission. The pilot's simulator has its memory erased a couple of days prior to the flight. The altitude while off course was very low (Potentially to stay out of radar, but if that low...wouldn't the passengers freak and be within cellphone range - cell phone jammer plugged in?). But yet, no communications with any passengers? No wreckage that has been spotted. You can say suicide, but at least the co-pilot and engineer had to be participants? Plus, if you are going to suicide, why turn the coms off? What would you care and why would you hide that? The other pilots that committed suicide didn't do this. I told my wife 2 days after this happened..."I wonder if someone just stole a plane". The only other way I can see this leaving such a small footprint would be if it were to go in nose first. Otherwise there should be a raft of debris floating around.

Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2014 - 11:01am / Post ID: #

Malaysia Plane Crashes Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Malaysia's defense minister says a Chinese satellite has spotted a large object along a broad stretch of ocean where officials hope to find a Malaysia Airlines plane that has been missing for more than two weeks. Ref. USAToday

22nd Mar, 2014 - 11:48am / Post ID: #

Page 5 Crashes Plane Malaysia

It could be that they glided into the ocean and then sank and with so many days passing everyone drowned by now. Maybe there was guns aboard and everyone was shot. Or if they landed somewhere then where? Of course there is my favorite - UFO intervention! wink.gif

22nd Mar, 2014 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

Crashes Plane Malaysia

That is what has bothered me...there is soooooo much stuff that floats on a airplane. All the seat cushions float, so if the plane had a bomb, those things would be everywhere. As disgusting as it is, bodies float after the bloat for a while. The wings, if they tore off, would be bouyant as the aircraft would have been low on fuel. Suitcases as they are made now would potentially float, depending on how packed they were. If there were life vest, they would have floated with what little air they had in them.

When I lived near Pittsburgh, there was a plane crash one night when I was flying into the airport. The plane went into the ground nearly nose first. The amazing thing was that there was very little evidence left as the impact site was only about a 20ft burned area in the ground (The plane had basically buried itself).

I feel for the families and maybe the best options might actually be alien obduction.

Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2014 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

Malaysia Plane Crashes

Hagel Discusses Airliner Search With Malaysian Official
US Military News

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke with the Malaysian defense minister about the ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

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22nd Mar, 2014 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Malaysia Plane Crashes - Page 5

I would be so interested if this was an alien abduction but that's not how aliens operate (Like if I know). The communications were purposely turned off and then going off course for so long, I think all of that is just weird but not something a higher being would do if it wanted to take an entire aircraft.

Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2014 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Malaysia Plane Crashes Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 5

Saturday's search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane included the area shown in new Chinese satellite images in which a large floating object can be seen, but nothing was found, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.

The object in the satellite images is 22.5 meters long and 13 meters wide (74 feet by 43 feet), officials said.

China said the images were captured four days ago, on March 18.

The floating object was about 77 miles from where earlier satellite images spotted floating debris. Ref. CNN

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