Glenn Beck & Mormons - Page 15 of 20

QUOTE (DonQuijote @ 1-Aug 10, 9:15 PM) I have - Page 15 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 2nd Aug, 2010 - 5:51pm

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TV / Radio Host shares testimony and conversion.
19th May, 2010 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #

Glenn Beck & Mormons - Page 15

international QUOTE (JoePublic @ 19-May 10, 3:53 AM)
Name: Paralegal

We have discussed that. But, lets focus on the real purpose of Beck. I think he is sincere when he expresses his concern for the country. I think he has a real, true intent to do good to this country. In my understanding he is a true patriot, he is (in some sort of way) putting himself and family in danger for the good of this country)

Fine he can express all the concern he wants you know what am I saying? But don't try to sell him as a hero now by saying he puts himself in danger and his family for the country? Are you kidding me? Those soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan put their lives in danger for the country every single day not a guy who seems to be in a sugar rush and make millions out of it. Ugh, what a bunch of nonsense.

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Post Date: 17th Jul, 2010 - 2:19am / Post ID: #

Mormons and Beck Glenn

Name: Nick

Comments: After seeing some more of these comments, I have to speak my mind again.

What in the world are we as a church concerned about what the degenerate world thinks of us?

We are supposed to be the very Opposite of what this world is all about!

Image? What Image? Images are illusions. Truth is what needs to be coming from our lips. Not a concern with choosing words to create a pleasing image to a corupt world.

If we were truly speaking God's Truth, we would be Hated & Persecuted by the world by now, instead of our leaders receiving awards for worldly recognition.

Have you forgotten the world we now live in? Why are we trying to makes friends with it?

Would you kiss a bully's rear end to keep him from beating you up?

If so...You aren't God's kind of person.

Glenn has truth, candor, humor, and something most latter day saints lack...Guts for the truth!

Not just in reporting it but for having the sense to recognize it!

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Post Date: 17th Jul, 2010 - 12:30pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Glenn Beck & Mormons Studies Doctrine Mormon

Hundreds show for Glenn Beck book signing at Deseret Book

Callie also supports Beck. "The things he says and the things he does are really inspiring. He actually stands up for something that he knows is true. He's basically trying to bring America back into what's right, to get back to what the country was founded on." Ref. Source 6

17th Jul, 2010 - 12:39pm / Post ID: #

Page 15 Mormons and Beck Glenn

international QUOTE (JoePublic @ 17-Jul 10, 2:19 AM)
Name: Nick

Glenn has truth, candor, humor, and something most latter day saints lack...Guts for the truth!

Phew! For a moment I thought you would write Glenn is a prophet too!

What truth are you talking about? Just like anything else it's your opinion (unless of course you think you have THE truth). Many people disagree with him, I find him his behavior annoying, irritating and his mouth is way too big. Don't get me started with the melodramatics...

Post Date: 29th Jul, 2010 - 12:09pm / Post ID: #

Mormons and Beck Glenn

Name: Nick

Comments: Susi Su, It IS your mellow dramatic remarks to my own concerning the personality of a man, as opposed to the message he delivers, that suggests you can't recognize the truth when it stares you in the face. [..]

Edited Message Edited...
JB: Stop being so personal in your messages to Members. Keep to the Topic and do not make the Topic an insult to other people. It is both immature and ignorant.

29th Jul, 2010 - 1:09pm / Post ID: #

Glenn Beck & Mormons

international QUOTE (JoePublic @ 29-Jul 10, 12:09 PM)
Comments: Susi Su, It IS your mellow dramatic remarks to my own concerning the personality of a man, as opposed to the message he delivers, that suggests you can't recognize the truth when it stares you in the face. [..]

Breaking news Nick, you're not the owner of truth (even though you may think you are) just like me bro you're just sharing your opinion. Also it's silly to say that the message is what its important rather than the messenger. Do you think it matters if Joseph Smith received the plates from Moroni or the guy from your local market? Oh please lets not get ridiculous.

Glenn is so "smart" he has to apologize because of an out of place comment he made about the President's daughter you know what am I saying? Yep, that big mouth of him get him in trouble.

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Post Date: 1st Aug, 2010 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #

Glenn Beck & Mormons
A Friend

Glenn Beck & Mormons - Page 15

I think we should be careful of becoming a faithful follower of anyone besides Christ. Sure Glen Beck says a lot of good things, but do you trust him enough to make all his views your views? Might be wiser to study things yourself that he says to find out if they are true. I myself agree with about 80% with what he says, but some of the things he says I believe he's off, according to what I have found out for myself, and that is my privilege to do so. I have some close friends & family who follow Glen Beck religiously as if he were their prophet. Reminds me of how fanatical some people get towards tv preachers & movie stars. We have to be vigilant & learn to be able to discern truth with the Spirit & how to receive answers to our prayers. If we don't, God will permit someone to come lead us away because of our slothfulness.

international QUOTE
Brigham Young - "We are in a land of liberty; and our fathers have taught us − especially those born in America, that every man and woman and every child old enough to speak, argue, read, reflect, &c., must have minds of their own, and not listen to anybody else. They are taught to shape their own opinions, and not depend upon others to direct their thoughts, words, or actions." - JD 6:42, November 15, 1857

This next quote I am in no way implying towards Glenn Beck, but just that there are & will be people in the church that are permitted to lead some of us astray who are not prepared. This was a revelation given to Orson Hyde published in the Millennial Star at Nauvoo, when he was asking how God could allow a man in the church (James J. Strang) that would deceive many others & lead them astray.

international QUOTE
Evil men, ambitious of power, must needs arise among you, and they shall be led by their own self-will and not by me. Yet they are instruments in my hands, and are permitted to try my people, and to collect from among them those who are not the elect, and such as are unworthy of eternal life. Grieve not after them, neither mourn nor be alarmed. My people know my voice and also the voice of my spirit, and a stranger they will not follow, therefore such as follow strangers are not my people.
- Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star 7 (15 May 1846):157-58 14 March 1846

2nd Aug, 2010 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Glenn Beck & Mormons Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 15

international QUOTE (DonQuijote @ 1-Aug 10, 9:15 PM)
I have some close friends & family who follow Glen Beck religiously as if he were their prophet. Reminds me of how fanatical some people get towards tv preachers & movie stars. We have to be vigilant & learn to be able to discern truth with the Spirit & how to receive answers to our prayers. If we don't, God will permit someone to come lead us away because of our slothfulness.

DonQuijote you're a breath of fresh air in this thread brother, for a moment I thought I was the only one seeing this. Yep it's scary to see so many members following this guy like he is a Prophet. Personally (and we may agree on it or not) it's quite naive for members to believe in this guy completely, they obviously don't understand much about media and ratings!

> TOPIC: Glenn Beck & Mormons


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