Theory: Frenchman Created Smith

Theory Frenchman Created Smith - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 27th Jan, 2008 - 1:44am

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25th Dec, 2007 - 2:32am / Post ID: #

Theory: Frenchman Created Smith


Theory: Frenchman Created Smith

After watching Reloaded yet again for the 100th time I have come to realize that when they go to the Frenchman he already knows all about the Matrix, after all he was the One once before. He is briliant at writing codes and probably made Smith malfunction in some way in order to get back at the Machine world.

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26th Dec, 2007 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #

Smith Created Frenchman Theory


What made you think he made Smith malfunction if it was Neo who did that when he entered him in the first movie?

24th Jan, 2008 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Theory: Frenchman Created Smith RPG Plugged Trilogy Matrix


Well we know that Neo supposedly destroyed Smith in the first movie, but in Reloaded Smith returns and says that even he does not know how he was able to return. Neo does not know either so we have to assume there was someone involved. It would not have been the Architect because that would have been in opposition to what they were trying to accomplish.

25th Jan, 2008 - 2:28am / Post ID: #

Smith Created Frenchman Theory


Interesting theory but I would have to disagree. If there were anyone that may have involved themselves to cause such a thing as the new Smith I would have to say that it would have been the Oracle. Lets look at the evidence that would support this.

1. In Matrix Revolutions Smith calls the Oracle Mom.
2. Also the Oracle makes a comment that she made a choice and it cost her more than she wanted it to. (referring to loosing her prior appearance)
3. When Neo ask her how things were going to end she said that she did not know because she could not see past choices that she did not understand. (I am guessing that choice would be the choice to create smith.)

25th Jan, 2008 - 2:39am / Post ID: #

Smith Created Frenchman Theory


I think Smith's comment was out of sarcasm. Neo did mention to the Architect that the Oracle was the mother of the Matrix to which the Architect replies, "Please...". There is so much double information in this movie it is hard to ascertain what is real.

Outside of this you do know that the first actress who played the Oracle died in real life right? Hence the replacement. Also there is a big part of the movie that was filmed explaining more about the Oracle but it was left out of the final cut. Not sure why. We were Discussing that somewhere here. Maybe this would support your theory.

Then, what is the Frenchman's involvement?

26th Jan, 2008 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Theory: Frenchman Created Smith


So then whats the deal with the frenchie guy if he did not start things with Smith?

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27th Jan, 2008 - 1:27am / Post ID: #

Theory Frenchman Created Smith


The Frenchman preaches causality throughout the series. Basically, a statement that for every force...there is a opposite force. I thought he was somewhat the opposite of the Oracle, which is why he wanted her eyes. He had good deductive reasoning...which ruled his thinking. The Oracle was good at looking into the future. If the Frenchman could understand the decisions of the past and have the vision of the future, that would be power.

However, it does seem that his purpose was to keep humans out of the machine world. Not sure if he made Smith or he collected Smith as he seems to be a collector of miscreants. Someone else could have made Smith (perhaps the machine world) originally and after the Frenchman saw how well they worked against humans, when Neo killed him the Frenchman rebuild/revived the program (as that is working with past knowledge, which he excels).

When Neo sees the improved Smith for the first time, he notes them as upgrades. This would have been perfect for the Frenchman again as he would have used past information and deductive reasoning to make improvements to the new Smith.

I kind of look at the three of them this way...
Frenchman understands the Past
Architect understands the Present
Oracle understand the Future

My only problem with all this is that the Oracle (which Smith did call mom) could have seen the saving of the Smith program as the only way to get Neo to the next level before the destruction of Zion...

Which is why we always will have the question of the chicken and the egg.

27th Jan, 2008 - 1:44am / Post ID: #

Theory Frenchman Created Smith Matrix Trilogy Plugged RPG


Good deduction Holmes, however I feel the Frenchman is more than just a recoder or viewer of the past, he is supposed to be a rogue Neo, a Neo that thought to himself that it was better to 'own' the Matrix rather than try to fight it. If you notice everything about him was underground to try and avoid detection (re: Agents). He seemed to have discovered ways to control aspects of the Machine world because of the Trainman and so forth. He knows a lot but does not give information easily save that he has seen many Neos and has survived against them.

QUOTE (Vincenzo)
When Neo sees the improved Smith for the first time, he notes them as upgrades.

You mean the new Agents. When he sees Smith he is actually dumbfounded as to why he is seeing him after his last episode.

Also check this: Frenchman & Persephone

> TOPIC: Theory: Frenchman Created Smith


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