Theaton makes a small hole and pokes his head through just as Zork strikes a flame. You are taken aback at the brilliance around you as little bits of rock and gem shine around you, embedded in swirling blue and gray stone. Zork sees that the crack narrows as it slopes down and ends in about 30 feet only.
I need Appraise or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) if you want to identify the minerals around you.
Amazed by what he sees and the worth of it Zork simply says "Wow". He looks back to see Theaton's expression about the find.
Out of Character: My pitiful roll: 2
Out of Character: Knowledge of Dungeoneering roll with a +6 modifier I rolled a 13 so that makes it a 19.
Theaton looks impressed with the find. This could really help us out. We can mark this spot on the map with a small TZ so we can come back and harvest some of this later.
Theaton recognizes the the shining crystals as quartz, the pure, small crystal variety here is not very valuable. On the other hand, the reflective rock that surrounds you is a vein of pure gold! Not pyrite or some kind of mixed alloy, but real, quality gold! You mark it on your map and continue to explore southwards.
Fireday 12 Gozran
The next day, as you explore near the river you come across an old, rickety bridge. Its wooden beams are old and covered in moss and two ropes hang across the whole span like handrails. The bridge itself is atop a 20 foot high gorge and crosses a narrow point in the river 50 feet across.
The old troll tracks are visible here, faded and old. They continue down the river, not crossing the bridge.
You will have to get to the other side during your exploration, do you want to go now or leave it for later?
Zork looks at the whole scene in front of him but his inner thoughts are still back at the cave and the fortune there. He carefully watches as Theaton tests it but makes no movement to do the same for himself.