Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power - Page 42 of 54

Posted back story. Sorry about that, completely - Page 42 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Oct, 2014 - 4:25pm

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20th Oct, 2014 - 3:30pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power - Page 42

Next to him stands a man looking out of place. A thin, young, not-quite-caucasian man wears an oversized suit jacket over a casual shirt and worn down shoes. He wears his blond hair in dreadlocks and has holes in his ears and lip from piercings, but has the jewelry removed. His true nature still shows, as various charms around his wrists jingle, wooden, bone and gold alike, only partly hidden by the jacket.

"Atman Joaquin," He points at himself as he speaks in a slow voice with a touch of Jamaican drawl. "How are ya' all? Which one of you is the new boss?"

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Post Date: 20th Oct, 2014 - 3:41pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

Jacob smiles as he welcomes Atman as well: "I will be your guide through this quest of yours. Thanks again for participating. Here, Gordon has already gone through two projections. He could tell you how important this is to our organization!"

"We have more people like you, spread around the world. This group, however, has been more successful than any other across the globe! We're proud to have you as new additions. Please, be seated!"

I will inform Bean on his thread and also in the char creation thread about the beginning of Chapter 3. As for the rest, please make sure you have characters prepared for an adventure in ancient Babylon. The required level is 3, and you may use anything that suits the environment. For questions, don't hesitate to ask away in the character creation Thread!

20th Oct, 2014 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Zet takes a seat with his look on Gordon's.

"Then Mr.Gordon, if you will."

Post Date: 20th Oct, 2014 - 6:31pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Page 42 Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

Upon entering the room, Bastis surveyed everyone and figured he should sit with the others. With a shrug as his hand made a finger gun miming a bang bang toward Jacob. Bastis swaggered over toward Gordon projecting an image of complete nonchalance.

The effect probably would have been more suave and less lame if he hadn't been wearing an off the rack suite two sizes too big. What was worse, as he barely looked old enough to drive, he looked more like he was trying far too hard not to look like he was in his father's suit.

However, none of this seemed to bother the spirit of this lean athletic young man in the cheap baggy suit. He hummed his way all way to the chair before falling into it. Feeling all the self-assurance in the world that only a youth can truly project, he finished the final bars of 'Sharp Dressed Man' as he sat.

"So Gordo, are there chicks in these astral projection dealies?"

20th Oct, 2014 - 8:09pm / Post ID: #

Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

Zet seems unconftable as he looks down at his clothes and all the other arround him. A portion of regret. Even thought, he can't hold back but to ask the young man.

"Jumping into chicks hunting already huh? Would you mind telling us our name first, mister? And don't worry, there is a highly chance that you yourself can be a chick in that astral projection dealies to enjoy yourself to your fullest."

He ends with a grin as he them immedietely again realises and still bothered by his clothing. Feeling uneasy like an outsider, bowing his head down like depressed even thought it is a stupid little detail.

Post Date: 20th Oct, 2014 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power

Casting his green eyes on Zet, Bastis says, "My apologies, where are my manners. I'm Bastis, but everyone just calls me Bast."

He gave Zet a broad smile and pushed some of his long black hair out of his eyes, before asking, "Seriously though, we could be chicks in there?"

Bast looked down at himself, back up at Zet with a confused but curiously look on his face, than back down, and crossed his legs.

"Wow, it would be like that movie with Gibson and Hunt!"

"I wonder if being a chick would help my game once I got back here in the real world" Bast mused almost to himself tapping his finger on his chin.

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Post Date: 20th Oct, 2014 - 9:16pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - Artifacts Power - Page 42

As everyone has finally walked in, Jacob offers each one a seat, before sitting behind his desk. After that, he clicks his fingers, causing the lighting to flicker, and then turn off completely for a full second.

Once the lights are back, Jacob's two assistants are in the room again, carrying the electronic devices required for the projection. The two get the devices ready and then hook them up to each of the participants, by injecting a needle in the right hand, and attaching some electrodes on the head.

"There has been a slight improvement in the programming." says one of the two, while working on the machinery. "If all goes as planned, we might be able to harvest information with higher accuracy and detail."

It takes only a few moments for the projection to begin, and the world around the participants starts fading away...

Since only Bean has a character almost ready-to-go, we will begin with just him. Bastis still misses a character background, which shouldn't be longer than a paragraph or two. Please work on your characters when you can!

Bastis is about to receive a most interesting message, delivered to him by a royal messenger. The sender is the king Nebuchadnezzar the Second himself...

"My lord, his Royal Highness the King of the Neo-Babylonian Empire demands your urgent presence, on the pain of death. I was bidden by the Queen to mention that your skills and knowledge are of outmost importance for something called "The Marvel of the Mankind"." After saying that the messenger bows before Bastis, and makes ready to leave.

Most likely, Bastis is not used to having people bow before him, let alone get attention by the king!

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2014 - 4:25pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - Artifacts Power D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 42

Posted back story. Sorry about that, completely forgot. It also applies to what is below. Alec has been his mentor, friend, and father firgue since the druids found Bast. Alistar is his hawk and closest confident and friend in the world, his animal companion. And Elaine is his lady love whom he'll now have to leave.

Bast wasn't quite sure what to make of this traveler claiming to be a messenger of the king himself. At first he'd figured it was just Arlo playing yet another of his not so funny jokes on him, claiming that it was all in good fun. Those never ended well though, and he had the scars to prove it.

But with the way the other druids had looked at the traveler, he knew that it was all true. The traveler had come for him, the king had requested him personally. But how could that be? He was a nobody, no one knew him.

His master who had stayed in the room with himself and visitor kept darting looks between this bowing man and Bast, as if to ask if he knew what the hell was going on. Bast only gave him a tiny shrug and a confused expression. His parent's had said they'd worked for a noble house in their youth, that had been how they'd met, but he didn't really believe it.

Bast bowed back to the traveler and said, "Thank you for your message sir, I am of course at the King's service and will make my way to him at once."

After the man left, Bast turned to Alec and asked, "What the hell is going on? What is this Marvel of Mankind?! How does the King even know of me? What is going on!?"

"What have I told you about swearing?"" Alec chastised him.

Bast lowered his head, "I am sorry. I am just over wrought."

Bast could feel his heart beating so fast he wondered it didn't jump out of his chest and do a jig right there on his floor. Clutching his mother's necklace around his chest, he shut his eyes and tried to calm his nerves. Just then Alistar flew in the tent and landed on his shoulder ever mindful of his sharp talons. Bast immediately felt better.

Opening his eyes, he asked, "Do you have any idea what is going on? Or what this Marvel might be? How am I to get to the King? I don't have much money."

He looked to Alec, sure his mentor would be able to help. He'd always been there for him in the past. He pointed ignored the other growing fear in his gut, the one that was really gnawing at him. How was he going to tell Elaine.

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