Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power - Page 47 of 54

Elric is getting up to the climate as every - Page 47 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 10th Nov, 2014 - 9:24pm

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Post Date: 6th Nov, 2014 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power - Page 47

Footsteps can be heard approaching, as soon the attendant returns to the room, and greets everyone. He notices the new arrivals, and then smiles and says:

"The king welcomes you in his castle, and further invites you to the throne room. If you kind sirs would follow me..."

Following the attendant in the castle, you eventually are brought in front of a guarded door. The guard allows entry, and the attendant steps in to announce your arrival.

Passing the threshold, you see a nice, spacious, and luxurious room, designed for auditions with the king. A total of ten royal guards stand at attention across the path to the two majestic thrones that attract your attention. Upon the larger of the two thrones sits the king Nebuchadnezzar the Second. The throne next to him is unoccupied. However, in front of the thrones you see three ordinary looking men standing there.

"Approach!" commands the king.

"I see the church is here by my side as usual, providing assistance. I did not ask for your help priest, but I welcome it nonetheless." says the king looking at Ghost.

"As for the rest of you; you have all been summoned here by my personal request, and your presence here is most needed. Your ranks include exceptional magical talent, knowledge and loyalty. I am willing to pay for your services in solid gold, should you accomplish the task at hand.

"Great peril lies in the future of whoever accepts my plea for help, for I must ask of you to venture forth into an ancient cavern system, deep under the earth, where legend says that an all-powerful life-giving gem lies. Its strength is beyond mortal comprehension, but the riches I can reward you with, for claiming it in my name, are likewise of kingly proportions."

The king makes a small pause to clear his throat...

"I will provide you with soldiers to escort and assist you, but your knowledge will be outmost necessary to reach and successfully obtain the gem in question, as legend has it, that one must overcome many a trial of both mind and body to be deemed worthy!

Because of the seriousness of the situation, all those who know of this mission are to be held in the castle until the mission is successful. Same goes for all the guards present. As such, refusing to participate bestows no harm upon you, but you shall be restrained from moving outside the castle walls."

The king then looks down an all six men and gives them permission to reply:

"You may speak."

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7th Nov, 2014 - 3:13am / Post ID: #

Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

"Great king, nobody wishes the gods' wrath," Ashipu starts. "I must ask how sure are you of the gem's location? Can your source of information be trusted? Has anyone been to that place deep below the earth?"

When answered he asks, "Secondly, would it not be far safer to leave the gem there? Why risk us to retrieve it? What if it falls into the wrong hands?"

7th Nov, 2014 - 10:33pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Elric remains quiet as he anxiously looking around the room. Waiting for the others to talk rather than him. This is way too formal for someone like him as he feels extremely uncomftable.

Either way, his questions may be answered even thought he won't speak. He force himself to remain calm, carefully listening to what everyone has to say.

Post Date: 8th Nov, 2014 - 1:44am / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Page 47 Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

"Great King," Bast says with a bow, "Why do you believe we have the knowledge that will enable us to penetrate these trials and obtain this gem? You must think us of particular note for some reason to have pulled us here."

"Can you offer us more details on the trials ahead, how many, what kind? And how will we know the gem when we see it? I would not want to return with a false gem." Bast says giving his collar a bit of a tug.

He glances at Elric who looks more than uncomfortable and can sympathize. It's interesting to not that Ashipu was not invited and yet is not being excluded or having his hand excluded from the rest of him. Bast still wonders why them, the King must know more about the perils that lie ahead and need their skill set specifically for some reason.

Post Date: 9th Nov, 2014 - 2:54pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Power Artifacts - Dragons and Dungeons Johnathans

"The lifegiving gem has been a well kept secret of the druids of the desert. The Barren Lands were once, according to them, a fertile land full of life.

The druids of the plains there grew too comfortable with their ever-increasing power and dominion over the plains. The gods cursed the druids there for their misuse of nature magic, teaching them respect, and thus enclosed all of the life that was in the flora of the plains in that gem.

The gods did not irreversibly blight the land, for they built a series of trials and challenges, for only the worthy would be able to reach and obtain the gem, releasing its power once again.

The secret didn't remain so... Secret for too long. Now that I know of this, I wish to restore lushness to the Barren Lands, and bring them to their former glory, for the good of my people!"

Please roll a Sense Motive check with your next post. Those untrained may roll a Wisdom check instead. Due to info that Ashipu already knows from earlier NPC interactions, he gains a +5 bonus on this check.

One of the three men in front of the throne speaks aloud:

"May I suggest that if any one of the summoned men feels that they aren't up to the task, I think it's best that they remain here in the castle, and not be joining us. Knowledge, wits and smarts are one thing. But we will need brave and loyal souls to with us."

10th Nov, 2014 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power

Sense Motive: 5 +3+5 = 13

Ashipu replies, "I will not falter as long as the gods live. But I do feel our questions need to answered more specifically. Why did you choose the five of them?"

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Post Date: 10th Nov, 2014 - 4:23pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - The Artifacts Of Power
A Friend

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - Artifacts Power - Page 47

Sense Motive: 16+1 = 17

Bast can't believe it, returning the Barren Lands to the lush greenery they are rumored to have been! This is an amazing opportunity, his people have long wanted to bring the lushness of their lands into that of the Barrens. He can't pass this up, not for anything.

"I am at your service my king, this goal of bringing life back to the Barren Lands is one my people would gladly see come to pass. If I can be of any help I will gladly bring it. When do we set out?"

10th Nov, 2014 - 9:24pm / Post ID: #

Johnathan's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - Artifacts Power D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 47

Elric is getting up to the climate as every knowledge he seeks are being aswering and still do. But still, that doesn't change the horrible feeling on his shoulders that he keeps time to endure since he enters this room.

He still chooses to remain silent and keep being a listener. Anxiously and patiently standing still not moving an inch.

Sense Motive Check: 15+0 = 15

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