Future Earth Players In Waiting
For the purpose of getting your Character in the current Scenario you will use this Thread to state your Character's actions. The way you do it is to follow the below format.
Use the following originally Posted from here to the left of the equal sign without spaces to give you the relevant message on the right:
O O C = Out of Character: - things not in Character
I C = In Character: - things in Character (Actual role-play)
S A = Specific Action: - the immediate gist of what you want to accomplish
Dressed in her jumpsuit, with backpack slung over her shoulder, dragging her suitcase behind her, Artemis approaches the mysterious woman.
"Yes!" Artemis says, flashing a big, friendly smile, "I'm so glad I'm in the right place." She extends her hand to shake,"Artemis McKenzie. I'm very excited to be here. I can't wait to meet the rest of the team."
She smiles even bigger, takes a quick glance around the room. "I have a really good feeling about this project."
"Well, I guess we should get started. Lead the way." And she follows the woman wherever she leads.
GM: You need to change your Character's name to "Artemis McKenzie". Your Class will be "Flyer" In your Character Sheet.
The woman gives a half smile in response, you can see she has does this many times before and is not into pleasantries. She guides you to a part of the port that is guarded by those dressed like her. You go through a door up a ramp and into a hanger that has what looks like a regional ship of modern design and the best of features. You are seated as a passenger.
"Wait here, and strap in" She says as she goes off to another part of the ship. Looking around you see that you are alone and find it hard to believe that you were the only one to respond to the invitation."
After awhile the woman returns with a more pleasant looking assistant and introduces her to you as one of the ship's technicians. She then leave you too while again venturing off to another part of the ship.
"I'm known as Tech 2 here, and you are? Do you have any allergies, health problems or something we should know about? You seem rather slim."
While saying this she is already scanning your body with what looks like a handheld body scanner.
GM: Say what you wish to do now. I also need to see if any others want to join in. Do not forget to use the "In Character:" Or "Specific Action:" As needed when you Post.
In Character: "Artemis McKenzie, I'm a pilot." She extends her hand, then pulls it back when she realizes that Tech 2 is busy with her scanner. "No, no allergies here. I won't need any special treatment." Artemis flashes her best smile. "I'm just thrilled to be here, looking forward to meeting the team."
The scan will reveal scars from a fairly horrific
Past injury that had shattered her hip and caused extensive abdominal injuries.
"I'm just hoping to make a contribution, be a team player." Still smiling."I had a bit of trouble in the past, but I'm all patched up now. No need to worry about me. I can do this job."
Out of Character: I finally found the "Update Character" Button. I think I've updated the character sheet properly.I'm sorry if I'm being a pain, I don't intend to.
Tech 2 is shaking her head as she listens to your story but then stops and says with a confused face that leads to a frown,
"Wait a minute... No, okay, it was just something on my readings here."
She then continues her scan as well as the conversation,
"So why did you sign up for this?"
GM: No pain at all. You just need to exchange your Title with your Class text. Also, to get the "In Character:" You do not type it out you put the abbreviated "I C" Without that space in between the letters. The same goes for the rest above.
In Character:
Artemis pauses, carefully weighing her answer. "To be honest, I want to do more. I mean, being a contract pilot is great, I love flying. But I don't want to spend the rest of my life running freight and collecting paychecks. I want to be part of something bigger." She laughs, "I hope that doesn't sound arrogant. And what about you? What you you think about all this? And why are you called 'Tech 2'? Do we all get code names around here?" She leans in towards Tech 2. "Are people going to call me 'Pilot 3', or something? That's better than my navy call sign, but not much better."
Specific Action: Artemis is trying to get more information, without saying anything that will disqualify her. She suspects this medical exam is a test, and is afraid of failing.
In Character: : "I'm sorry, I should let you do your job, instead of talking your ear off like this."
"You do ask a lot of question don't you?"
She says with a bright relaxing smile while purposely refusing to answer what you've asked which makes you slightly uncomfortable.
"Right, my scan is finished and you look like a good candidate although I can't promise you any flying right now, I hope that's okay."
Not really looking in your direction for an answer of your satisfaction Tech 2 turns off her scanner and then moves off to another part of the ship.
You sit there for awhile when a holo screen comes up about three feet in front of you with offerings for entertainment. Your selection can vary from News to Science to old Movies or Music. A voice says,
"Please state your selection."
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
In Character: : "Oh, we're all done now?" As Artemis watches as Techtwo (Artemis just gave her a nick name) walks away, she silently mouths the words,"Call me!" Then her smile fades.
"I really thought that girl had potential."She mutters, under her breath. Letting out a sigh, she halfway stands up, looking around to see if anybody is watching her. Then she slumps down into her seat, and unzips the top of her jumpsuit just enough to reach in and fish an old photograph out of her bra.
Looking at the photo, she whispers, "Well, Lieutenant Chomsky, I don't know what I've gotten us into now. Yeah, I know, I've really let you down. But I'[m trying. You know that, don't you?" Feeling embarrassed, she puts LT. Chomsky back, and zips up.
Then she looks at the holoscreen, wondering if it's a two-way, and if someone is watching her through it. She leans towards it as if trying to peer into it's soul. Then she rolls her eyes and sticks out her tongue, and laughs. "Stop being paranoid, Artie. " She whispers to herself. Then she leans back, and in a normal voice says, "News, please".