So I have found myself a traveler among many worlds. Each time I have picked up a book, or read an article, or gazed upon a piece of art, or even listening to music. These travels have been enjoyable but for the most part impersonal. Role playing has enabled me to be the active first person participant in numerous adventure and stories.
Over the past 30 years I have been able to be a part of many such adventures. Early ventures had been at the table top and now take place upon the screen as stories flow through the internet. I have been involved in mostly fantasy and have recently joined science fiction, horror, and even ventured into creating my own worlds.
Welcome Future RPGer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To become an RPGer here is very simple:
1. Post 5 Constructive messages anywhere** in the Community thus proving you are capable of good Play by Post participation.The easiest way to do this is to Post in Topics that interest you.
2. After making 5 Core Posts request Role-playing Game status here, your Introduction Thread. Make sure your activity level is 75% or above. The activity level is to ensure that you are not one of those types that joins and then expect to play after days or weeks on inactivity.
3. Create your Future Earth character following these instructions.
Hi Malcolmshaw! Nice to have you with us. Should you ever need assistance in getting around please reply here and we will see how we can help.
As I mentioned in my Introduction Post, I have been playing mostly Table Top Role-playing Games for the last 30 years. Recently, within the last 5 years, I got introduced and invited to join several Play By Post Role-Playing Games.
I love to create characters, immerse them in a new setting, and then watch them become part of the world and the stories of those worlds.
My Play By Post game participations include some of the following:
2E Dungeons & Dragons
Advance Dungeons & Dragons
3.5 Dungeons & Dragons
Mutants and Masterminds
Saga Star Wars
And a couple of Homebrewed Role-playing Game Systems.
I am looking forward to getting into the text and spirit of things here. Look forward to conversing and enjoying myself real soon.
(I missed the first line of your post. Yes, email notifications are coming through just fine, thanks. 9:55 am MST).
In regards to a potential Star Wars Text Role-playing Game. I believe that is very doable. From a Tabletop Experience, I have found that the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars has a very solid story telling mechanic that is the basic structure of their Role-playing Game. It is less hack and slash and more about the players' role in a much bigger story.
As to me GMing, I think maybe its about time I take that seriously. I have been a player for so long that it is time to give someone else a chance to play. Edited: Malcolmshaw on 21st Sep, 2015 - 3:55pm
RPGer Malcolmshaw, ye have proven thy consistency and maturity here, so ye have been granted RPGer user status by the Game Master.
Thus, ye will now be able to participate in certain Community Role-playing Games managed by JB that require this status. For some Role-playing Games thy activity STILL must be a minimum of 75% regardless of thy new found status. Our fearless Game Master likes active Players and ye be wise to be active less he banish thee to the fiery pit of a red dragon's dinner plate.
Select thy role-playing game wisely and create thy character.
The World May Never Know
I am requesting Role Playing Game status. 5 Critical Posts have been made and I would like to proceed to the forums for the future Role-playing Game which I asked to join.
Looking forward to working and texting along side as many of you as possible.