**gm note: skill checks to influence other players like that won't count towards advancement but I do appreciate the sentiment**
The park is sparsely populated in the summer heat, dogwalkers there only out of obligation, even the dogs ready to go back in as soon as possible. Joggers sweating more than usual, straining in the heat, a few people out trying to live out their lives like normal, straining to keep their routine in spite of the heat and humidity. George is sitting in the benches at the softball field, a silent spectator to a game that isn't happening, looking miserable, slouched over himself, in a light shirt that is visibly soaking in his perspiration. He sits a little straighter when he catches sight of Joseph.
It hasn't been that long since you've seen George Reeves, but it looks like the man is easily twenty years older in the few years since. A hard life and his new grief have definitely taken a toll on him, you would hazard a guess that he hasn't eaten regularly in some time, and if you had to hazard a guess, you'd gather almost as long since he'd eaten more than the bare minimum. While he brightens a little at seeing you, it would be stretching to say he looks happy. Both of you process everything that went on between you before, and he glances to Lau, looking around. It is unclear if he notices the others, (You can all try any appropriate concealment rolls if you want).
He gestures for you two to sit beside him on the bleachers, and there is an awkward silence that lingers a bit too long. Finally, he sighs and holds a 'moleskin' notebook forward.
"I've been struggling with giving this to anyone. I think the police may want to see it, but I leave that to you. I was afraid they will think she was crazy. I know we've got no love lost between us, but we did care, in our own way. Most of this is the last part of a journal she had kept before she and I met, and I don't know what to think about that. She started keeping the journal about...about two or three weeks before..." He drifts off, unable to speak. "I know she had her secrets, I even knew a little about a few of them, but I didn't push. Not sure if you want to remember the woman you lived with as a son, or..." He gestures at the notebook "That."
He sighs. "But I felt I owed you the truth of matters, as far as I can figure. There used to be more journals than that one, but she did something to them, haven't seen anything but this book in years." He hands it to you and slowly starts to walk away. "I'm glad to see you're looking well, I hope you know I never wished any bad for you."
Joseph slows his gait when he spots George sitting on a bench by the ball field, slumped over his knees. He runs through the types of greetings he should use, some how "What's up" Sounded cold and insufficient. Instead, when he arrived at the bench Joseph simply said "George; sorry. Uh this is Dr. Lau from M.U; we were meeting about a paper when you texted, and uh..." It was then he realized the hole in his story, that there was not a good reason to bring a stranger to the meeting. But George did not seem to notice.
Joseph listened to the man, and stared at the notebook. This was clearly an important piece of information, and with all the cryptic references George kept laying down, Joseph really wanted to get inside a dark room before he looked into it. But he thanked George as the broken man stood, and said "Thank you for this, uh, I did know you two cared it was just, eh..."
He let his words trail off as there just wasn't anything good to say, at least not on his tongue.
[TJ is off to one side, probably out of earshot, but he'll see the notebook being handed off. He's not really trying to keep from being seen by anyone, just not to be noticed by George. But Hide is the closest skill on the sheet, so that's what I'll roll. Also a psychology to see what I can read from his body language.]
Out of Character: : I'm traveling this weekend and my posting may be sporadic; don't wait on me. MichaelC, you have full authority to put TJ wherever he needs to be. Edited: Brianh on 23rd Oct, 2015 - 1:09pm
Lau looks at his watch, then gauges the amount of daylight that is left by looking at the sun and the sky.
"Joe, you mind if we walk, while you talk things through?"
Lau looks at the book in Joe's hand, "May I look at the book, while we walk?"
***GM asides***
I do anticipate doing adequate postings to keep the game in good shape over the weekend. The ball is in Joe's court as to what happens next with the book, and I will pend advancing that part of the story line until he responds. I will post later today about the team regrouping, and will respond to Joe's decision on who reads the notebook first, and will present the journal's contents then.
TJ will be in GM's hands until the player returns, I will keep his character in mind.
I have been monitoring the dice rolls, and I do encourage you to keep them up, any place you feel that they can help accomplish your character's goals, with two clarifications from the rules. First, rolls to influence a person's mind, opinion, or things like that are to be used on NPCs, because ultimately, the player decides what his character does, with the GM's arbitration handling the interaction with the rest of the world. Second, any actions that are supremely easy can be handled without a roll, picking up a newspaper is no challenge to a person with any strength, and some actions that are beyond possible will be doomed to failure; the obvious example of a person lifting a car will not be worth a roll except in situations where there can be some justifications (Adrenaline, and research into the phenomenon indicates that in nearly all of the cases, the car was lifted on the length axis, using the other set of wheels as a pivot pint, which lessens a great deal of the effective weight.)
Another note, we have been approached for another player to join, I am pending him submitting a character, I will work him into the storyline if he contacts me again and develops his character. I will find a point that works for the story as it stands when he joins.
Last note, I still seem to be having some issues getting the maps to post right, I will work on that and try to have it sorted out by Monday (The support has given me a lead on it, and all is looking to make progress), though fortunately, Call of Cthulhu is one of the few games where maps are rarely required more often than not.
I hope you all are enjoying and continue to do so, feel free to use the character generation page for any major Out of Character: communications, I am keeping an eye on all three of the pages associated with this game.
Joseph is momentarily flummoxed by the whole exchange, and the artifact in his hands. He knows that opening the book is a one way decision, that once he has seen the information inside, his world will be changed. At least a part of his past will have been changed.
Instead, he nodded to Dr. Lau and handed the notebook to the professor. "Sure, you look at it before we meet Redman. You can decide if we share it with him or not, you will make a better decision than I will."
Lau looks at Joe with concern and understanding. "Allowing me to deal with this," Holds the book up, "Makes it easy for you to walk away, should you decide not pursue what is waiting for us."
With the book in hand, Lau makes a thumb through in an effort to ascertain the value of the book and its relation to the previous events. After which Lau will try and get to the next location as quickly as possible. En route, the book will be stored in his satchel for safe keeping.