This is the main page for the upcoming campaign for Call of Cthulhu. Most behind the scenes questions will be sent to the MichaelC's Call Of Cthulhu 6th Ed Create Character thread [..] as we get ready to play.
NOTE: Chaosium Free Downloads Center for Call Of Cthulhu related material.
Intro Background
The city of Arkham, Massachusetts is trying not to panic. A city weary of abnormal is reeling over six deaths and four disappearances over the last month, all apparently from the same source. Though officials are not releasing details, the rumor mill is running rampant, the question remains as to how much is truth and how much the fevered imagination of a panicked population. Rumors include mutilations and hints that the victims were kept alive until very far into the process of the attack.
A lingering fear that the authorities are out of their depth is pushing some citizens into action.
It is mid-July, and Arkham is sweltering in a high humidity heat wave. The populace is nervous, the recent spate of deaths and disappearances is keeping people on edge. Historically, Arkham has had worse runs of unusual crime, but it has been some time, and this is now. The people involved may be friends, co workers, relatives, definitely fellow city-dwellers. The news feeds and newspapers are frustratingly vague on details, so each of you decides to visit the police. You each see the man in charge of the investigation, Detective Collins, one at a time. But there is some overlap, you can each hear the end and/or beginnings of the next interviews. Something makes you want to stay and compare notes with the others, so you linger.
Collins is clearly under a lot of stress, and while he looks like he's always been thin, you would guess he's been losing weight from the ill fit of his suit. He makes it clear that he is not interested in talking with people who are asking questions, he is looking for clues and answers. With some reluctance, he reveals that all of the incidents have happened in the north half of the city, that all of the killings happened after 9 pm, and the disappearances after 7 pm. No witnesses for any of the incidents can be found, and no other common denominator has been discerned as of yet.
He has you escorted from his office to the lobby, two officers take you out. A heavy set man in his forties watches you intently as you come into the lobby, taking note of the officers escorting you.
"Just saw Collins? Did he give out much?" The man begins, clearly excited beyond subtlety. "Oh, where the hell are my manners, I'm Michael Redman, work for the AP feed in town and for the Arkham Post."
At this point, you have the options of trying during the interviews with Collins to get any additional information, and to try to lead the conversation with Redman. What do you choose to do? (Skill rolls in Persuade or Psychoanalysis will be helpful here. Base for persuade is 15%, base for psychoanalysis is 1 %, fast talk is 5%. If you want to roll against these skills, roll percentile dice.)
If you want to take a different tactic, explain it in your post. Or do you take a different course of action?
TJ will try to get more information out of Collins. Is this some kind of terrorist activity? You've looked into that angle, haven't you? (Since even a forceful denial can give him some information...and also try a psychology roll to see if he seems to be unduly nervous/secretive, or if he's just a frustrated public servant who's getting tired of dealing with the public.) Persuade & Psychology (Or psychoanalysis, whichever) rolls below..
TJ will just shake his head at Redman, and won't engage him in conversation.
"Please," Begs Konrad, "I know so many people are asking about their late friend. It will bring at least some closure than no news at all."
As he passes by the reporter, "No unfortunately nothing but some very general info. You know, everything happened north of the river and after 7 o'clock. You wouldn't happen to know any more that you can share with me?"
At TJ's question about terrorism, Collins reacts with mild hostility, as if you'd insulted his intelligence. Snorting, he nods.
"Of course we looked at it. This doesn't match any known terrorist activity template we know of, there appears to be no agenda, and by know, we would have expected contact from them." He pauses at that point, and relaxes slightly. "Even the fake confessions are less than normal, here."
At Konrad's question, you see a bit of a glimpse behind the public face, you see a man who is tired, concerned, frustrated, but most of all scared. He responds "You're right, but we have a lot of people coming in. Reporters, sick people who just want the details, things like that. And believe me, the family members don't want these details." He refuses to elaborate on that any further.
When you all meet Redman, he seems to have expected all of you to ignore him, just accepting the rebuff. His eyes narrow slightly at Konrad's statement, shakes his head. When he responds it is a voice filled with regret.
"Can't say I blame you, but I can only hope to be able to convince you later. Just promise you will come to me when you have a story, if you do." He smiles, but the humor never reaches his eyes. He starts to leave, regardless of the party's actions, and unless you try to restrain him, will be on the street in a few moments.
"Joseph DiMaio, Mr. Redman." Joseph offered his hand and tried not to slouch his shoulders. It never hurt to have an angle on your next job, and with the way things were going for literature teachers, the newspaper might be all he could get.
What has Collins told you? The last victim was a foster of mine, er, the 4th foster mother I think. They were a blur, much of the time. Collins won't' tell me dick b/c our legal relationship was ended legally, but I wanna know, you know? It just touches your life somehow, even if you don't run in the same circles anymore."
(Will attempt persuade on Redman; tried the same with Collins but I didn't want to write out both halves of the encounter, it's late)
TJ scowls slightly at Collins' dismissal, but his expression softens (And his eyes widen slightly in comprehension) when Collins mentions the families not wanting the details. He murmurs a few polite noises about thanking Collins for his time and starts to go, pausing in the lobby as he overhears Joseph say he was related to one of the victims. He doesn't approach while either of the two younger men talk with Redman, staying closer to the exit, as if just pausing on his way out. He pulls out his cell phone and checks his email.
Coming into the hallway, a rather tall muscular Asian man in loose fitting tan khakis and a short sleeved black silk shirt and bamboo sandals, looks over in the direction of DiMaio's voice. "Mr. DiMaio, should I be surprised to find you here?"
Looking to the others gathered in the hallway, "I assume that speaking to the duty sergeant is pointless?"
Then noticing Redman, Lau says, "Michael, it seems we find ourselves looking into similar events again." Extending his hand to Redman in a sign of friendship.