ScottMorgan, although the GM will better tell you what he will accept there is a Call of Cthulhu generator available that will make rolls for you. When you click the "Update Character" Button on your character sheet you will see it. Just checking I noticed you made some rolls already so it looks like you just need MichaelC to look over your character for approval.
I went the old fashioned route and rolled some physical dice here at home; I moved the scores around to get the character I wanted, I hope all of this is OK, please let me know if it is not.
The generator built in to the site is d20; we're not playing that version so I used dice at home.
Edited: ScottMorgan on 16th Oct, 2015 - 11:02am
Definitely approved, Scott, I think this character is very workable. Please review the first entry (S) in the campaign, and we can assume you were either among the ones speaking with Detective Collins or standing in the lobby when Redman approaches the others.
Shadow Line Walker -- the professor angle works. The spells inherent in Call of Cthulhu are high risk spells, I would assume the spells you would consider to use would be more shamanistic in nature, basically you can use spells from any other source, and I will make a judgement on them when you cast. If this proves unworkable we can modify as necessary.
Name: Lau Tai Chi
Occupation: Professor (Removed Wu Jen)
Colleges, Degrees:
Birthplace: China
Mental Disorders:
Sex: Male
Age: Appears to be mid 30s
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 170 lb
Eyes: Brown (Was Black)
Hair: Black (Was Grey)
Skin: Tan
Speed: 30 feet
Strength 11 Dexterity 10 INT 18 Idea 90
CON 15 APP 13 POW 17 Luck 85
SIZ 11 SAN 85 EDU 19 Know 95
(Converted Wisdom to EDU, using original Wisdom value and adding 3)
(Used Charisma value for Appearance value)
(Rolled for SIZ)
(Rolled for POW)
IDEA = INT x 5 [90]
KNOW = EDU x 5 [95]
LUCK = POW x 5 [85]
DB = Strength + SIZ (22) [+0]
MP = POW [17]
HP = (SIZ + CON)/2 [13]
SAN = POW x 5 [85]
[Strength 11
[Dexterity 10
[Constitution 15
[Intelligence 18
[Wisdom 16
[Charisma 13
[Total Hit Points: 31
Antropology (01%) 74
Art (05%) 45
History (20%) 55
Library Use (25%) 50
Occult (05%) 70
Other Lanuage - English (01%) 74
[own Language - Chinese (EDU x 5%)]
Photography (10%) 40
Psychoanalysis (01%) 46
HOBBY SKILLS = INT x 10 [180]
Dodge (Dexterity x 2) 5
Martial Arts (01%) 24
Other Language - Arabic (01%) 49
Psychoanalysis (01%) 28
Fist (50%) 4
Grapple (25%) 20
Kick (25%) 20