Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 149 of 149

The captain makes it clear that he is not - Page 149 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 25th Mar, 2017 - 12:00am

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Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2017 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 149

Shuth updates the crew on what he has found and will let the crew take action to reduce their symptoms from the creature. "I think we need to ask the imperial ship to stay out of the solar wind around us so they do not get effected by this creature. We need to ask them for some assistance and to send over their main doc so I can help educate him on what they can do to protect this area. From this possible previously unknown creature."

Shuth keeps experimenting to see if he can figure out how to kill it.

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22nd Mar, 2017 - 9:55am / Post ID: #
Ajit Akash Gadhavi
Navy Engineer
Follower / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet Important
Active Player Active Role-player!

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Rebel over...

Out of Character: I assume the information that helps update the device was meant to be passed to Ajit or Njall so that we could fix it. You never addressed if Ajit found any more torches to assist the repair bot with removing the crystal shard.

In Character:Ajit listens to Shuth as he searches for the torches and, after consulting with Njall, goes to update the device so that they can more effectively block the creatures psionic effects. As he finishes working on this, the Imperial ship arrives and Ajit radios through to update them on the Wildcard's emergency. He advises them to stay out of the solar wind tail of the ship and that this creature is extremely hard to destroy with brute force. He asks for assistance in the form of more bots and torches to remove the crystal on their hull before figuring out what to do with the shards being shed by the creature.

Attached Image Edited: Alchyrogue on 22nd Mar, 2017 - 9:55am

24th Mar, 2017 - 2:48am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

The Referee relays...

A small patrol cruiser hovers near the Wildcard, positioned in such a way to avoid any contamination. Inside the Wildcard's crew common area the crew has gathered. There are three others among them; crew members from the Imperial craft. The leader among them is the captain of the patrol craft, a Vargr with dark black fur he addresses the crew.

"We have the creature secured and I am confident that your ships hull has been decontaminated. I've run some initial checks and I can't find any record of any creature that matches the description of what you've found. Imperial scientists will be eager to examine it and no doubt there will be a reward; of course I'm not authorized to dispense it at this point but stay in contact and I'm sure something will be arranged within the next few months."

Post Date: 24th Mar, 2017 - 3:04am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Page 149 RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Shuth looks at the captain, "I would be willing to meet with some scientists at the star base with the specimum I have and the finding that I have found. I am sure together they can shed more light on this creature and find ways to protect others from it. I take it we get the naming rights to the creature.?"

24th Mar, 2017 - 10:53am / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
Character Sheet ◀
Active Player Active Role-player!

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Rebel over...

"Help will be sent to the 'Belt where this thing seems to have come from I hope. There might be miners who fled the base in cutters, waiting for a clean ship out."

A thought strikes Njall;

"You know, that thing took longer to detect and deal with than it needed to because our sensors are gash. Would you be able to authorise the release of a surplus array to us?"

Post Date: 24th Mar, 2017 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG

At the arrival of the Imperium Vessel, Silver went and hid himself in the cargo bay, uncertain if they had finally found and tracked him down. Due to his headaches and such, which were subsiding, Silver remained hidden until the crew was able to get The 'Card back up and operational.

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25th Mar, 2017 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 149

The Referee relays...

The captain makes it clear that he is not authorized to release anything or dispense but he is sure that when the Wildcard arrives at the Starport officials will be in contact with them and all of those arrangements can be made. With a motion of his hand the captain dismisses the two other officers and they file out toward the airlock. After a great deal of time and paperwork the Wildcard is finally cleared to leave and continues on its journey to the Starport.

When they arrive they are debriefed once more by Imperial agents and Shuth is allowed to give a suggestion regarding the name of the creature but they are advised that what they found and what they experienced are highly classified and they will be prosecuted if the disclose anything to anyone. No one ever contacts Shuth further about it and there are no references found in any databases or news networks until a few months later when the news breaks about the mining outpost overrun by a strange crystalline creature never before encountered. A scientist/noble named Lord Barman Sunaiji is credited with the discovery of the creature, Shuth's name and the incident with the Elena is never brought up in any records. The crew of the Wildcard is never given a reward although they are permitted to salvage the sensor array from the Elena.

Out of Character: : Everyone can post an epilogue type post if they wish but I'm basically closing down this game/campaign at this point. Thanks to all those who managed to stick around to the end, I know if really dragged for the last part. The game lost steam and never really recovered which was my fault so I apologize for that but it was fun while it lasted.

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