Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 62 of 149

Out of Character: : Krakrefr and Silver were - Page 62 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 26th Feb, 2016 - 3:23am

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Post Date: 25th Feb, 2016 - 6:03am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 62

Loriel flicks her sunglasses back to the top of her head to get a better view of the ship Wildcard. "My the ole bird's been mighty bang'd up, hasn't she?" She mutters to herself, not realizing that as she had been looking over the ship Loriel had come to stand in front of the most likely stewardess of the ship. Loriel looks at the lady with a startled look when she realizes that she was in front of herself. With a laugh she rubs the back of her sheepishly with a grin."Sorry 'bout that. Loriel Samara here, ready to load and get off this miserable planet."

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25th Feb, 2016 - 7:20pm / Post ID: #

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

The Referee relays...

Adeline looks at Loriel, then to the Wildcard, and then back at Loriel with a grin forming across her face "To be honest I thought the same thing first time I saw her" she laughs, "But she'll get you where you want to go and she has one heck of a crew. One of the finest, if not the finest doctor in the Spinward Marches; Dr. Shuth, you may have heard of him. Plus I can personally attest to the skills of the pilot. And really, if you think about it, all those dings and scrapes only proves that she's taken a lick or two but she's always pushed right on through and stayed in the air. If you're wanting to go to the Whanga system, this ship will get you there. I will have to run it by the Captain first though because it looks like we are pretty much booked up, we may be able to move some things around though or bump one of the middle passengers if you are willing to pay for high passage."

Shuth has trouble finding anything related to Fraker's Disease primarily because Ruie does not have a world wide database and much of the world's information is still in paper form. He is able to use his credentials to make contact with the Space Port hospital and gather some information that way. His is told that Fraker's Disease is a fairly recent development that came to light in the past decade. It is believed to be primarily a waterborne viral disease that is treatable but there is currently no known cure for the disease. Symptoms include high fever and sweating followed by the onset of dementia. By itself the disease is non-fatal but its effects are devastating to those infected and it places a nearly unbearable strain on a nations health care system and destroys productivity. The hospital does not provide any information regarding the history and/or development of the disease, only the means of transmission and the recommended treatment which includes a serum that temporarily stalls the disease. Without treatment a patients condition will likely deteriorate fairly quickly and severe dementia will set in within twelve to sixteen months of exposure.

The ships database does not include anything related to Fraker's Disease but Shuth is fairly certain that if he had a sample of the disease he may be able to develop a cure of some kind. He is fairly certain, however, that none of the crew has been exposed to the disease. Of course, without more information/data, or a sample of the virus he is not able to program the autodoc or any of his medical equipment to properly scan for the disease.

Out of Character: : For Shuth to work toward developing a cure for the disease he will need a sample of the virus or access to data regarding the virus (Which the hospital is not going to release without authorization from a higher authority), and then he will need to study the virus in a lab (The ships sick bay will count as a lab in this case). A cure will require a total of 200 'points'; Every ten hours of study Shuth can make a Life Sciences (Biology) roll. A marginal success is worth 5pts. Average success 10pts, exceptional success 20pts. A marginal failure grants 1pt while an average failure grants 0 pts and an exceptional failure takes away 10pts.

Shuth, you will need to assign your sciences skills to specializations. For example you have a skill level in Life Sciences but you will need to assign this to biology, cybernetics, genetics, or psionicology.

For those without the skill in Sensors, you can use the skill untrained which give you a -3DM on top of the -2DM for civilian sensors and -1DM due to the ships age for a total of -6DM.

25th Feb, 2016 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Confused
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

This is Kanin, over...

Krakrefr rises at 0800 and makes his calisthenics workout in his cabin, he has to stay in shape after all. After this he takes a cold shower and he starts to take inventory with the armoury of the team and equipment. He makes a list of what is needed, so that they can restock with good quality items in their next destination. He stays away from the high-class passengers, especially when he learns about their position. He is not acting well with people of authority, especially non-military personell.

25th Feb, 2016 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
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Page 62 RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Rebel over...

"You've got a fair amount of battlefield salvage to sort through Krakrefr. Should keep you out of M'Lord's way for a while. I just hope he's happy with the Captain and doesn't want to join the pilot on the bridge."

26th Feb, 2016 - 12:07am / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Confused
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Active Player Active Role-player!

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

This is Kanin, over...

"Well, I will be always busy, even he likes it or not.", answers the short Vargr while he counts the bullets in a box.

Post Date: 26th Feb, 2016 - 2:39am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG

Shuth will talk to the head doctor to see if he can get a sample if that does not work he will talk to some of the leading researchers to see what is needed to get a sample to study and possibly find a cure for this disease. He will use his reputation in the medical field to see that he gets a sample and a copy of some of the research that has proven successful to cause the disease to be stopped for a time.

In the life science he will assign to genetics.

Not sure if his +4 would help in getting a sample so just rolling a normal 2d6.

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Post Date: 26th Feb, 2016 - 2:41am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 62

"Oh my! It seems this ole bird carries a mighty reputable crew if they are able to get such high praises from you." She teased the stewardess. Tucking her hands into her pockets with a slouch she looked back up at the ship. "So it is the Whanga System this bird is flying too? I honestly wasn't looking where it was going. But I'm not particularly picky on where I'm placed lady, as long as I can get off this planet." Loriel turned to the side showing off her single bag she had with her with a grin. "But no need to kick anyone off. I don't take up much space, I swear. You can just stuff me where ever there is space. So if you can go ahead and ask the captain if I'm good to board, I'd be mighty thankful."

Post Date: 26th Feb, 2016 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 62

Out of Character: : Krakrefr and Silver were already sharing a room. I think the medbay suggestion is appropriate.

Noticing that the noble has not said much since Silver spoke with him, Silver excuses himself. Briskly walking through cargo towards the loading ramp, Silver goes to check on Adeline. He sees a shadow on the ramp he believes is Adeline's and another female shadow standing next to her.

Making sure to make as much noise as possible to announce himself, Silver heads down the ramp. "Adeline, is this the last of the passengers?"

Turning to Loriel and extending his hand, "Marq Frazure, Captain of 'The Wildcard', you are a rather late addition ma'am but I believe Adeline has room in her stateroom."

> TOPIC: Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG


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