Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 103 of 149

Seeing Marq get up and walk away on his own, - Page 103 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 16th Jun, 2016 - 8:26pm

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13th Jun, 2016 - 10:17pm / Post ID: #
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 103

This is Kanin, over...

Krakrefr is heard on the squad's comms "Bridge is secured, but I have the whole ship on lockdown."

Attached Image Edited: Morfeas on 13th Jun, 2016 - 10:17pm

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13th Jun, 2016 - 11:24pm / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
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RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Rebel over...

Njall sees that Ajit, Maiokus and Gaden are nearer the locked airlock (And Silver) and heads for the dorsal turret hatch as fast as possible. He intends to find an alternate entrance to the Type S. As he goes he announces over the crew channel:
"I'm going EVA through topside, see if I can find a back door while you work on the front."

Out of Character: : Ventral turret hatch would be quicker - is it an airlock?

Attached Image Edited: Bindoner on 13th Jun, 2016 - 11:30pm

15th Jun, 2016 - 10:31pm / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

Rebel over...

Njall runs as fast as his HEV suit allows through the ship to the dorsal hatch where he seals the iris valve behind him, slings his weapons, checks his suit seals and prepares to open the hatch.

Njall Nail Lang Results:
  • Int check for anchor on D12 (+4): 14 (1 roll, as D2-12)
  • Str on D12 (+0): 5 (1 roll, as D2-12)

16th Jun, 2016 - 4:56am / Post ID: #

Page 103 RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

The Referee relays...

Njall opens the hatch and a rush of air escapes into the void of space. Njall clutches onto the ladder that leads to the turret area but the gale is so strong he loses his grip and begins to fly toward the opening! Fortunately, he attached a lanyard and cord from his HEV to the steel rungs of the ladder and his body comes to a sudden stop as the cord goes taut. After a few moments the small hatch area has fully decompressed and Njall is able to regain his footing and safely detach the lanyard.

Alarm klaxons go off in the Wildcard and on the bridge consoles light up and indicate decompression in the dorsal turret hatch area, the ship locks down the areas leading to the hatch to prevent the entire ship from decompressing. All hatches/iris valves connecting to the turret hatch are now sealed.

How does Njall go about finding another entry point in the other vessel? Meanwhile the pirate identified as Crowley puts his hands up in surrender and moans in pain, responding to inquries in broken sentences between gasps

“Just….Captain, then… her” he motions his head toward where the lady pirate disapeared “two… others. That’s it… weren’t expecting…much fight. There were… six of… us total.”.

16th Jun, 2016 - 9:56am / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
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Active Player Active Role-player!

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Rebel over...

Njall has some experience of the Seeker conversion of the Type S, and assumes the basic configuration is the same. He will first head for the turret, intending to gain access there, or at least disable it temporarily. Nearby there is usually a hatch leading down into the corridor outside the Drive Room, so that is the next option.
Rolling Zero-G Ops (Skill 1, +1 Dexterity Die Mod) to move between ships.

Njall Nail Lang Results:
  • Zero-G Ops on D12 (+2): 13 (1 roll, as D2-12)

16th Jun, 2016 - 11:48am / Post ID: #
Ajit Akash Gadhavi
Navy Engineer
Follower / Right Fwd. Flank
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG

Rebel over...

Getting some answers from Crowley, Ajit looks over to Marq asking "Do you think you can make it to sick bay on your own? I can secure the prisoner and assist." Ajit then cuts his eyes back to the prisoner and keeps his gun trained on him from a safe distance.

Out of Character:A safe distance here just means so Crowley can't suddenly kick or something and knock Ajit off-balance.

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Post Date: 16th Jun, 2016 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 103

Moving past the covered Crowley, Silver staggers out to the crew commons and then towards Doc and Med Bay. Arriving at the door, he knocks as loudly as he can, but in pain is only able to whisper, "Doc, it's Silver. I need help."

16th Jun, 2016 - 8:26pm / Post ID: #
Ajit Akash Gadhavi
Navy Engineer
Follower / Right Fwd. Flank
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 103

Rebel over...

Seeing Marq get up and walk away on his own, Ajit is able to focus more fully on his task at hand. He relays over the comms the information that Crowley has revealed about there being 6 crew members in total. Ajit then asks if we need any more information rom this scum?

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