Gwynedd, along with the rest of the Kingdoms, are all to be done. Right now I am testing out the Army Battle System with the help of Krusten and then I want to look at bringing on a Play By Post version to encourage more role-playing while testing for FT2. After that I can look at Gwynedd.
This is a great game. Thank you for making it.
It would be even greater if I would follow the instructions laid out for me. I am going to try to slow things down a bit. This is so different from the other Role-playing Game games that focused on continuous activity. Because of that and not taking my time with leveling I think I already died 5 times in a span of 12 real hours.
I think you need to put some signs up that say FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS or otherwise turn back *smile* I know you have so many up, but a few more won't hurt anyone.
Again thank you for the game. I believe it is the best I've ever played.
By the way I died again. This time I really tried not to die. Clicked on an assignment saw it was something about fighting, clicked leave or finish button and as soon as I clicked town I was attacked by a giant ant. I knew it was the end of this character. So sorry. I have to right an obituary now.
While its important to read everything I think this game requires some level of thought about how you are playing your character. I think JB has a post somewhere about dying continuously while playing ROK II, you should read that and see if it helps you.
A suggestion (Because I’m sure you don’t have enough tasks in your life already!).
How about giving starting characters two or three skills at .5 each to add a little more flavour.
Appreciating these folks are just 16 and thus are pretty naive in the ways of the wider world but I’m sure we can all remember the kid at school who was a good school boy boxer (Brawling/running/reflexes), the local ne’er do well (Disable traps/climb/card games), the science geek (Chemistry etc) etc.
I guess these skills could be aligned to a background archtype (Jock, nerd, artist, athlete, hippy, goth etc) or could be down to player choice.
Vilepal, putting more instructions to read does not mean more Players will read nor understand. Please see: Text Role-playing Games: Reading vs Comprehension.
Strellers, sure… we have plans for that and lots more as this is just the beginning, however support is needed to make it happen as adding features takes lots of time, coding and testing.
I have a question. I started this game about 20 hours ago and aside from sleeping I have been spending almost every waking moment playing this. Kinda hooked at the moment. However I seem to have an issue (Aside from dying 6 times in less than a day) and that is I notice my soul is actually going down as I level up? I totally had close to 10 soul at level 1 but now I'm level 3 and my soul is down to 4 and specifically it's at 4(-3).
Does that mean the next time I level up my soul will go down to 1(-3)? If so what did I do wrong? Did I die too many times? What happens if my soul goes to 0? Also it seems like every other quest kills me this is crazy *laugh*.
Did you read what the reaper said during the resurrection process? He takes your soul when you take his offer. I can't answer what would happen to you if your soul went that low as I've never been there *surprised face* but if you died 6 times already you might want to look at that link above your post.