Noukril the Ranger - Page 5 of 14

I wonder if my father is really dead I wonder - Page 5 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 17th Oct, 2016 - 2:28pm

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ROK II Character 8
Post Date: 28th Sep, 2016 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger - Page 5

Advisor Description

I was sitting in the tavern the other day for lunch when a nice looking lady wearing a green dress sat down across from me. To say she was good looking would be a understatement. She is beautiful, green eyes with a small upturned nose and a wide smile. She looked to be about 5 foot 4 inches with generous curves. I nodded at her and asked, "Can I assist you?" She looked at me and smiled. "No, I am here to assist you. I am Deanna. I have been watching you since your mother died and am here to help you along in life. I want to help you since I am your step-sister."

Wow to say I was shocked would be a understatement. Here is this beautiful young lady telling me she is here to help advise me in life and to top it off she is my sister. Ok only a step sister but still family. While I was shocked that they have been watching me for a while now and just now stepping forward to help me made me feel uncomfortable but yet intrigued. What advise can she give me? How will she help me? Will the advise she gives me be worth while or just how she feels I should live my life to her standards? Either way I now know I have family and they may be able to give some needed advise. Whether I follow that advice or not is totally up to me.

Looking back at her I respond, " Well Deanna I am shocked and non too happy that you have been following me around and watching me waiting until now to make your presence known. I can tell you that I thought someone was watching out for me and I am glad that you have come forward. Knowing you are family helps some but do be advised while I listen to what you tell me I may not always do as you request."

My step sister Deanna smiled, "Yes I understand and want you to know that I am here for you and will try to give you the best advise I can in life."

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Post Date: 2nd Oct, 2016 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Noukril

What I wish I did differently

What I wish I did differently would to have spent more time training and developing my self before heading out to gain a lot of experience. I am now doing more training while I rest up and regain some hit points before I head back out. I know this will help me in future as I earn more gold and earn more experience. It is fun and I am enjoying it a lot.

The patrols I am finding are progressively getting harder as you level increases. I think this is good as one who is of lower level will not be over come with the harsh patrols of the higher levels. Plus it gives the experienced patrollers more of a challenge as they continue to patrol. I find it quite a challenge now to be able to patrol and make it back alive. It will always be fun.

Post Date: 6th Oct, 2016 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Message to Advisor

Well I was out on patrol around the town of Llafair. I helped rid the land of many more bandits again. I know they are using a hit and run tactic with archers to hit from afar while others come in close to melee with me. I can kill the melee ones but the archers stay out of my reach. I wish there was a way I can get to them. I do with I could afford more healing potions but maybe better armor will also help me against the arrows.

Post Date: 9th Oct, 2016 - 2:14pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Page 5 Ranger Noukril

Message to Advisor

The day was nice I finished another patrol and did it without the aid of healing arts. I think I am happy with that. I am getting better at everything I am doing and I am working my way towards being the Ruler of kings in all I am doing. As I keep buying better equipment to help me on my quests and even patrols I will be more and more able to survive what next comes my way. I feel that right now I am getting ahead of the negative and more able to survive. The more gold I acquire the better the equipment and the more likely I will be even better.

Post Date: 10th Oct, 2016 - 1:57pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Noukril

I am glad I chose the path of…

I am glad I chose the path of ranger. I have been training well with the bow and now I am very deadly with a bow. I also have trained with swords so I am now very deadly with a sword. So long range or close range I am deadly and I am able to protect people in the woods and I am able to live off the land and hunt for others if needed. I know I have provided many a hog for the tavern in town so that others can have a great meal while they are visiting. IT gives me pleasure to see that others are well cared for and that people are safe while traveling through the forests. I will continue to do my best to see that the common people are safe and doing well. I know I will continue to work on making myself better and even more capable of caring for others.

Post Date: 12th Oct, 2016 - 3:55pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger

Message to Advisor

After a successful patrol and rooting out a spy from the Eastern kingdoms I am back in town to learn a bit more and to save some money up. I may look into buying other equipment to see if it can help me when on patrols. I do know there is a dark elf that is tossing spells at me to make me a easier target that I need to figure out how to combat against. Any advise you can help me with I would appreciate it.

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Post Date: 12th Oct, 2016 - 11:54pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril Ranger - Page 5

How I could have prevented my mother's death

How I could have prevented my mother's death. If I had been better at my training. If I had been better at paying closer attention. If I would have had a good job helping make sure my mother had a better time with plenty of food and shelter. I know that I could have done a lot of different things to help ensure that she had a better life. That she had more food and better shelter. To make sure she had all her needs met without going without at times like she always made sure that I go what I needed while skipping on things for herself. I think as time goes on we understand more of what our mother wanted by giving us a better life so that we could do more and be better then she was.

I know that we can say all kinds of things that could of or would of helped others or our mothers to make sure she had a much better life. But when you continue to think about it you have to think. Would it have helped her or was her time slated by the gods and nothing we did or did not do would have made any different in the life span of my mother.

Post Date: 17th Oct, 2016 - 2:28pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril Ranger Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 5

I wonder if my father is really dead

I wonder is my father is really dead. At tiles I think this and wonder what it would be like to see him walking down the street towards me. The things I would want to say to him. The talks that we would have. The stories I could tell him as he tells me his stories too. I am sure we could spend weeks in a tavern talking over ales and we got all caught up. I am sure my step sister would be there too to add in her stories and the nice times we would have as we all got caught up in everything. I know it is a dream but it as good dream that I have and wish at times it was true. I know it is not and that saddens me but I am ok with that as I have come to peace with the fact that my father is gone. I will just sherish the memories I have of him and the memories of him that my step sister can tell me of him too. He does live in my memories and that is a good thing.

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