Noukril the Ranger - Page 6 of 14

What I did today… What I did today - Page 6 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 21st Nov, 2016 - 3:40am

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Post Date: 18th Oct, 2016 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger - Page 6

Message to Advisor

Well I was able to do two patrols with out the need of a healing potion. I think that is good as I am getting the right equipment in place to help make sure that I am able to save more money by not spending a lot in healing potions and still make it through a patrol without death following me. I will try it a couple more times and see how everything goes. I am currently working to save up money for better armor and a much bigger place.

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Post Date: 21st Oct, 2016 - 5:52pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Noukril

Message to Advisor

The days of patrolling is once again upon me. I am doing quite well in the patrols and soon can see me being even at a higher level. While it would be nice I am sure the patrols will even get a bit tougher. I think I am going to continue getting stronger and better able to create and fund a army and be able to make a better name for myself as I get closer to that goal of being the Ruler of Kings.

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2016 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Could I have half brothers and sisters and not know it?

Could I have half brothers and half sisters and not know it? Well that is a great question as I have recently learned I have a half sister and she has been much help to me. I do wonder at times if perchance I may have other half brothers or half sisters. Knowing one is a great thing but I am not sure I want to know if I do have more. What does that say about my father? Was he a man that slept with many women? Was this something that my mother may have known if he had. Or was he a good man that slept with one other woman and that is how I got my half sister. Sometimes not knowing is a good thing but then again having one half sister makes you kind of wonder if others are running around or not. I just hope not.

Post Date: 4th Nov, 2016 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Page 6 Ranger Noukril

Message to Advisor

Well I have done a lot of patrols without coming close to death anymore so far. I think I am doing very well. I am well on my way to level nine and hope to get there soon. Then it is on to level 10. I think I am doing very well at making myself the ruler of kings.

I know I am looking forward to having a familiar to help wit hthe archers that are shooting me and I need to save more money to be able to buy a small fort theu I will be able to start gathering an army. That will help me a lot I think.

Post Date: 10th Nov, 2016 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Ranger Noukril

Familiar Description

I summoned my familiar by rubbing a geode type rock to the point a thin smoke came out of a small crack in the rock and a voice whispered in my ear. Turning I saw Lucexia come to me as a small dragon type creature that has a shimmering silver hue to its scaly skin making it look almost as made of quick silver. It has golden cat like type eyes. Stroking the skin it feels softer than the scales of a snake and hard to believe that it almost is as soft as fur. The body was not large but appeared well muscled for one of its size. Watching it fly about it appeared to be as graceful and beautiful in flight as it did when standing upon my shoulder. When it told me to name it I chose a name that seemed to make it very happy.

When I call her name she responds quickly and eagerly as if she is happy to be joined with me but yet apart from me. I am sure that she will be a lot of assistance to me as I am to her. She responds to verbal commands and I hope to non verbal commands too. We will see as we work together and I help train her as she helps me.

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2016 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril the Ranger

Message to Advisor

I have made a few patrols and I am feeling much better about my patrol ability. I am more able to take care of myself and I have a horse to assist me as well as a new familiar to help make sure that I am able to survive a little bit easier. I am finding out that each little bit helps a lot once you start stacking those little bits. Now I am doing very well at surviving and not worrying so much about failure. I feel that I am doing very well on the quest to be the ruler of kings. I feel that I have what it takes.

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Post Date: 19th Nov, 2016 - 3:55am / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril Ranger - Page 6

My Abode

My Abode is a nice place one that I enjoy a lot. I am hoping that in the near future I am able to afford a nice hill fort. While this abode is a nice one and one that allows me to look important I am really not. I am just lucky enough so far that I was able to afford a nice place. I want to be able to afford more and more as time goes on. I want a nice castle of my own that can house a large army that will keep peace in the land and allow people to live in a place where peace prevails and no wars hinder people as much as possible.

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2016 - 3:40am / Post ID: #

Noukril the Ranger
A Friend

Noukril Ranger Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 6

What I did today…

What I did today was to work for the tavern to earn a few coins and get a nice big hog for the cook to use to feed the patrons of the tavern. I know it was not much but I like to keep my ranger skills handy and I do enjoy being out in the woods away from people. It is good to walk about as I slowly track my prey cleaing my mind of the politics and other goings on in the town and with other people. The thought that everyone is wanting to get ahead of the other does not always make good company but such is the nature of man. There are a lot of good people out there and many that I know are nice.

> TOPIC: Noukril the Ranger


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