There is a map of the chamber available now; it actually shows what is beyond the three doors but that is ok. None of those doors are trapped or even locked so during your rest or shortly after the characters would come to have this information quickly enough. It will be up to you to decide whether you want to explore or search these rooms more thoroughly or move on toward your primary goal.
I do not have any thoughts on the inventor object, feel free to make suggestions on this.
In regards to suggestions on inventor object, I don't want to outline something directly, but:
Things that Leo would probably pick if it were his choice (He's not much for gimmicks, preferring simple and direct):
-Anything that directly adds to his physical defense, especially if it isn't attached to a particular set of armor.
-Anything that helps his existing ability to heal others
-Anything that improves his effectiveness with glaive and/or smites to bring foes down quickly
-Anything that grants more chances to act, or act more swiftly, or be prepared to act.
-Anything that helps detect danger before it becomes a problem.
More gimmicky things that Leo might not choose off of a list that also contains the above but would still make use of:
-Ranged attack option that makes more sense than firing a bow with zilch Dexterity
-special modes of movement (Wall walking, tactical teleport, etc.)
-weak battlefield control options (Such as a nonmagical limited use cloud of smoke that doesn't notably offend the lungs)
Things that would see little use:
-Anything combat oriented that takes up an action or bonus action but doesn't offer a notable advantage over just bashing the foe
-Anything that distracts from his role standing between the foe and his companions.
For a guideline on the intended comparative strength of this: L1 item gem gave a masterwork weapon, L2 item gem gave a suit of armor with a +1 to AC, this is an L3 gem. Generally speaking, I'd prefer something that remains useful in the long run than a particularly strong one use thing. Edited: daishain on 2nd May, 2017 - 2:08am
Is Leo getting the sense that the glaive is ineffective? (IE the statue is resistant to slashing)
Forgot to roll for the smite damage, doing that here.
Also, two reminders:
-Gem item for leo
-Abnninja is wanting to join up in the char thread. Edited: daishain on 5th May, 2017 - 9:51pm
Yes Leo is getting the impression that his glaive is not very effective against the stone but this does not hold true when he uses Smite which will be applied to his next hit.
As far as the gem item the only thing I keep thinking of is a modification to his glaive that would allow the blade to be used as a sort of hook/chain that could be used to draw an enemy in toward him. It could stretch out to 25 ft and on a successful attack (Unfortunately this would still be using Dexterity) the target would have to make a successful opposed strength check to avoid being pulled into an area adjacent to Leo. The blade would cause 1d6+ Strength piercing damage and could be used as a bonus action. So theoretically Leo could use a bonus action to draw the enemy toward him and then use an attack action though he would not be able to make the follow up bonus attack that round.
To clarify, the glaive itself bites deeper when used with the smite? IE it being effectively magic bypasses the damage resist? Or did you just mean that the radiant damage from the smite was fully effective?
As to the Gem, that sounds very interesting.
I should note that thrown weapons use Strength by default for the attack rolls. So if Leo is basically slinging the blade and chain at the enemy it'd be strength, but if we're talking the glaive being turned into more of a harpoon launcher, then it'd be Dexterity.
Also, as much as I'd love to keep it as is, from a balance point of view, I'd avoid making the special Mortal Kombat Scorpion 'Get over here!' attack cause more damage than his normal attack routine, at least not without some form of additional limitation. So, I'd drop the damage down to or a little below the bonus action attack it is replacing (So no more than 1d4+Strength, could just use 1d6 without mods, or just the strength mod)
P.S. There's a message for Onwen I think you missed in my support thread. Edited: daishain on 6th May, 2017 - 1:06pm