Corren does a double-take upon seeing Zinna and Celodhil walk right into the clearing. His initial reaction is to wonder how they could be so blind as to not see the camp before blundering into it. Then he recalls Zinna had somehow managed to reach an understanding with the orc during their prior escape, so then he thinks she is being foolhardy and is walking into trouble. He begins to ready his own bow alongside Carrick when he finally realizes the orc's body language is not threatening. He blinks a few times, stunned by what he is seeing. Still not totally sure he says to the dwarf, "Cover me. If this goes wrong, shoot as many of them as you can." He slings his own bow and walks into the clearing, arms held away from his body to show he is leaving his weapons on his belt and back. He mutters under his breath, "Zinna, I pray this works. For all of our sakes."
Zinna sees the clearing and the orcs up ahead. She looks at Celodhil. " I know that you don't two can't stand each other. Please let me handle this. Oomigig and I are on good terms. " She meets the huge orc as he stalks up to her. Zinna smiles broadly at him. " Thank you for waiting Oomigig. I... " She notices Corren walking out and her jaw drops. She motions for him to stop. " She nods towards Corren. Oomigig, that is my good friend Corren. He is worried about me I'm sure and has come looking for me. Corren will be working with us as well to slay Iliosani. " She looks at him for his reaction.
Out of Character: : I went ahead and rolled for persuade in case Oomigig is alarmed at the sight of Corren.
Corren does his best to look unsurprised, but nods and says, "Yes, we will need your help against the Illiosani. I know you want your revenge. We can help each other." He does not say more, since he is unsure of what sort of agreement, if any, Zinna has reached with the orc.
"Yes, I remember" Oomigig says gruffly as he eyes Corren and then scans the area "Where is your ugly dwarf friend? I have unfinished business with that one."
He returns his gaze to Zinna "I guess it can wait though… more important business now."
Zinna looks at Corren with an awkward expression on her face. " There is one other thing Corren. I was about to go to Durmista. I told Oomigig that I would bring them food supplies. They need them before they can help us. Oomigig was about to head to Durmista before I met them earlier. They will wait while I bring them out to him. I thought it might be best not to take them to Durmista with me. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Mar, 2017 - 12:28am
Corren purses his lips and blinks two or three times then says, "Very well. We will help you." He turns to the massive orc and says, "We shall return with food shortly. Please stay here." He gestures for Zinna to lead on and he follows, not daring to look back, despite the itch he feels between his shoulder blades, waiting to feel an arrow or sword there.
Once they are away from the camp he speaks softly, "I don't know how you arranged this, Zinna, but this is a dangerous game to play. You have a tiger by the tale! As long as we have the same goal, they MIGHT work with us. Once that is done, I'd lay odds they'll attack us or the Lighthair." He shakes his head. "And feeding them? I'll see how much money we have, but buying enough for them might empty my pockets." Once they reach Carrick he says, "My friend, be ready to bring down as much game as possible. We're going to be responsible for feeding our new allies."
Zinna grins at Corren when they are away from the orcs. " Everyone said we need help for a diversion. Celodhil isn't too fond of the idea either. " She smiles at him. " We can't be picky. I feel Oomigig has some honor. He always honors his word with me so far. We don't have much choice on this. They were about to go to Durmista and just take supplies until I showed up. That wouldn't be good for either side. I'm sure this will work out well. Oomigig hates the Iliosani. I think we can trust him. I walked into the camp by myself earlier and it was fine. There is no reason that he can't change and be redeemed. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Mar, 2017 - 12:50am