Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D Rpg Character - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Jul, 2016 - 11:12am

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Create Characters for this version of D&D. See the Campaign: Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Main Thread Dungeons and Dragons
This RPG is CLOSED GM Stats
Post Date: 20th Jul, 2016 - 5:16am / Post ID: #

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation

Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game


The below Role-playing Game is CLOSED

1. Use the "Create Associated Role-playing Game Character" Button at the top left to begin creating your Character and enter then enter the appropriate info on your Character Sheet. [NOTE:This generator is not complete nor is it comprehensive. Wizards of the Coast hasn't granted anyone the rights to include everything for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons .]

2. With the character started in the generator you can now exit out of the generator and open the character sheet from any post related to this campaign. Updating the Character Sheet can be done by clicking the "Update Character" Button. Following the character creation guidelines below will be your best guide.

3. After filling your Character Sheet make sure to tell me about it here so I can look it over.
Players should make sure that they complete all the steps in character creation. Questions regarding character creation may go in this thread, including questions related to how the setting may influence character creation. Questions relating to policy, rules, or general setting should be posted in the appropriate thread.

Some basic setting information that may help guide players in the character creation process will be included in the Review Thread and this, along with further setting information, may be added to the Support Thread as well.

Step 1: Choose a Race see PHB 18 -41.
This game does have some racial restrictions.
* Dragonborn, and Teiflings are NOT available options for players in this setting. Though these races may exist in the world, they have not been encountered by the players or their family and associates.
* Subraces are not available at this time.

Available Races:
* Dwarf; Elf; Halfling; Human; Gnome; Half Elf; Half Orc

Based on the race you choose, please record these details to your character sheet under CHARACTER DESCRIPTION.
* Ability Score Increase
* Age [ROLL 1d6 + 7]
* Size [1/2 of Max Height and Weight]
* Speed [1/2 of Max Rounded Up]
* Languages: Common Only
* Racial Specifics
** Most Racial Specifics apply, regardless of age or level. If this changes, I will update that here or post a note in your character sheet. (25JUL2016) -MS

** No Dwarven Combat Training Trait
** No Tool Proficiency Racial Trait. (30JUL2016) -MS





** No Skill Versatility Trait. (30JUL2016) -MS

** No Relentless Endurance Trait.
** No Savage Attacks Trait. (30JUL2016) -MS

Step 2: Parents' Backgrounds - see PHB 127 - 141
All characters will begin at 0 level, due to age and inexperience.

Each character will choose two (2) different backgrounds. These represent the things they have learned or maybe not learned from their parents. Consider these inherited skills.
RECORD in Character Notes on your Character Sheet:
* Parents' Backgrounds.
* Each proficiency from your parents' backgrounds.
** Each skill proficiency counts for 1 rank in that skill. With the same skill showing up twice counting for two (2) ranks.(25JUL2016) -MS
* Tool Proficiencies from your parents' backgrounds.
** Select one Tool Proficiency, add that Tool or Kit to your EQUIPMENT section on your Character Sheet. In your Parent's Listed Tool Proficiencies put your trained Tool Proficiency in [ ] so I know the one you have selected. (25JUL2016) -MS

Step 3: Determine Ability Scores - see PHB 13
We will be using the variant point buy rule to generate ability scores. Your abilities start at 8. You have 4 points to spend on your ability scores; no ability score maybe over 10. Then add in Racial Ability Score Increases.

*Please Note the Following - Hit Points are determined by your Constitution value Divided by 2 (All fractions rounded down). (25AUG2016) -MS

*Please Note the Following - Armor Class or AC is being replaced with Soak and Melee and Ranged Defense. Soak is your Constitution - Divided by 5 (All fractions rounded down). As of Scene One the characters have no armor and therefore have a ZERO 0 for Melee Defense. Ranged Defense is determined by accounting for SIZE and also every 2 points above 10 adds 1. (25AUG2016) -MS
*Size and Ranged Defense Medium counts for 0. Every size smaller gains a plus 1 (+1). Every size larger loses a minus 1 (-1). (25AUG2016) -MS
*EXAMPLE: Thari is a halfling with size SMALL, which grants a plus 1 (+1) to ranged defense. Thari also has a Dexterity of 13 thereby granting a plus 1 (+1). Cumulative she has a Ranged Defense of 2. (25AUG2016) -MS
Step 4: Describe Your Character
Important to note, a character in this campaign resides currently at a Communal Housing, known as The Warehouse and Dock, that is near the Fog Wall River. Whether you have been raised your whole life there or just recently came to the Communal Housing, this is where you call home. (21JUL2016) -MS

What you know of fantasy, may not apply in The Shrouded Isle Campaign. As such, questions should always be asked and exploration is encouraged as a means for information and understanding. These kinds of questions can be posted here and I will answer them as appropriate, either here or in your character sheet. (21JUL2016) -MS


Step 5: Choose Equipment
* As parents and adults are quite watchful and protective, having weapons for your characters before the story starts is not possible. (25JUL2016) -MS

* Currency in Shrouded Isle is also closely guarded, due to its multi-purpose nature. (25JUL2016) -MS


Equipment for your character consists of common clothing and a small pouch containing random oddities and trinkets of value to your character. No magical items are available, as you would not know how to identify such things. (21JUL2016) -MS

The 'Trinket' should be rolled for once on the Trinkets Table (PHB 160 -161). The Oddities can be up to five (5) items that are each no bigger than a 2 inch cube. Oddities will be subject to descriptions of personal value and interest to be retained. Once again, all questions regarding Trinket and Oddities, should be posted in this thread, and will be answered here or in your Character Sheet. (21JUL2016) -MS

Step 6: Come Together
* The Warehouse and Dock is your base of operations. Safe Haven if you will. From here you can plan, rest, and even restock. (21JUL2016) -MS

* Your families and those that share the Communal House have decided now is the time for you and your friends to begin a Courier and Delivery Service based from The Warehouse and Dock. A cart, like many you have seen make deliveries to and from the the Warehouse is brought from somewhere in the Warehouse. "Your Service should make good use of this." (21JUL2016) -MS.

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20th Jul, 2016 - 7:41am / Post ID: #
Aleana Spellweaver
No class
Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Creation Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition th Malcolmshaws

Orphan says...

[How] fast do elves age in this world? In my most recent campaign, it was 2 years for every 5 (So by your max age, my character would only look about 4 years old).

Post Date: 20th Jul, 2016 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D


Characters are young in this world and there are many mysteries. Age could be one of them. Who knows?

Every campaign is different.

20th Jul, 2016 - 3:40pm / Post ID: #
Aleana Spellweaver
No class
Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Creation Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition th Malcolmshaws

Orphan says...

Ok, so I've got an idea for a character backstory. I'll make some notes and let you know. How do I create a character on the site?

Post Date: 20th Jul, 2016 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition th Malcolmshaws

Just trying to get the last of my boards approved and we will be cooking in style. Thanks for your patience. If you want to share your concept, then find my Introduction and tag your thoughts and ideas to a post there.

20th Jul, 2016 - 11:59pm / Post ID: #
Aleana Spellweaver
No class
Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation

Orphan says...

I don't have enough forum points (I have 11 and I need 15) to create a character. Is it possible to give forum points, or do I need to go do other stuff to get some.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 21st Jul, 2016 - 12:46am / Post ID: #

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation
A Friend

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation

Response to various forums and threads (Non-gaming) would be the best way.

If I remember correctly from your introduction Write a Review for Dungeon World.

Check out the Highlights and Latest Topics banners to the left and right and find a thread or post you could constructively respond to.

Those would be my suggestions.


21st Jul, 2016 - 11:12am / Post ID: #
Aleana Spellweaver
No class
Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet ◀
Not Not Approved ?

Malcolmshaw’s 5th Edition D&D RPG Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive

Orphan says...

That's my character created. Wasn't sure how you wanted to deal with a character who is an orphan, so tried to make alternative decisions about background which also fit your brief.

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