Sorry, I mixed it up while reading the posts of the interested players above. So I have to open only the Main for now? I have to post the rules in the Main or in Q&A? Because in our Traveller campaign the rules are in the Q&A thread.
Your Main Role-playing Game Thread should be structured similar to this: Aericsteele's Traveller Main Role-playing Game. You can link to your Rules from there if you like. Your Main Thread is where the game actually takes place, all other Threads are just appendages to it. When linking the Text Role-playing Game Creator it always looks for your Main Thread not your other Role-playing Game Threads hence I will need the Thread ID to enable.
I think we will run Deathwatch guys. Since Rogue Trader is like Traveller I do not see the need to exist 2 similar games. As Space Marines you will have encouters with common humans and have social impact.
I will post the correct rules, the same that Aericsteel has written albeit changed for the 40K campaign. I hope Aericsteel will not have a problem. His post is thorough. Edited: Morfeas on 25th Nov, 2016 - 8:12pm
Morfeas seems like a great Role-player and probably someone interesting to hang out with but my main concern about Morfeas' ability to run a timely Role-playing Game is consistency - a requirement for running Role-playing Games here.
If its starting out like this then I can see a lot of wasted effort to get it going only to see it closed for lack of activity. Despite assurances by Morfeas that he read the requirements of daily Role-playing Game upkeep he has not responded for many days.