A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG - Page 3 of 4

You raise your hands in the air as though - Page 3 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 2nd Jan, 2017 - 11:50pm

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Posts: 25 - Views: 2019
  A Super Hero Continue Story RPG Collaborative writing where everyone makes up the continuing comic styled Character with super powers..
A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG Related Information to A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG
Scenario: High school teen with powers of strength and to see how someone is feeling.
5th Dec, 2016 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #

A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG - Page 3

For hers and your sake you think its best to get out of there. You say to her, "Come on, you need to leave here otherwise they will think it came from you and you did this." But she replies wisely, "They have cameras here, do not worry I will explain it was some weird act of the weather or something… thank you for helping me."

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7th Dec, 2016 - 1:57pm / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Hero Super A

Satisfied that nothing more can be done here and you would only be in more trouble by staying you decide to leave the mall area quickly returning to your own car. You start the engine and drive off with your mind still on the events that just happened. At the intersection you suddenly realize you don't know where you should go. You decide to…

8th Dec, 2016 - 11:29pm / Post ID: #

A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

As you ponder your next course of action, you happen to look in the wing mirror to see a black car with no plates behind you. Passing it off as nothing, you drive straight on, thinking about going home. Looking in the mirror again, you see the black car still following you. Deciding it would be foolish to allow them to follow you home, you decide to....

10th Dec, 2016 - 7:04am / Post ID: #

Page 3 RPG Story Continue Hero Super A

Speed up some more dodge traffic and entangle them so they cannot follow you. At first it seems like it might be working but it doesn't as they are once again on your trail. You become nervous as to what this could be about and plan on a course of action to…

14th Dec, 2016 - 11:24am / Post ID: #

RPG Story Continue Hero Super A

Pull into a Mc Donald's to have something to eat or at least pretend to and see if they stop and get out. After parking the car and heading towards the dining area she notices they do not get out but stay in their car observing. You wonder what to do now…

14th Dec, 2016 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

A Super Hero Continue The Story RPG

You see a hood that might fit you draped over one of the seats. Walking past, you surreptitiously took it, putting it on with the hood up as you walked out the back door. You would have to abandon the car. It was too recognisable. You knew at this time, the schools would be letting out, and you knew there was one nearby that you could go to. Maybe you could hide in the crowd. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw two men in suits exit McDonald's out the same door you went through. You kept walking, hoping your hastily created disguise would mean they wouldn't see you. You kept walking, observing the men in the mirrors of the cars as you passed them. The men looked around, and…

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28th Dec, 2016 - 12:05pm / Post ID: #

A Super Hero Continue Story RPG - Page 3

Still manage to spot you. One of the men speaks probably using an ear piece. A black windowless van pulls up in front of you and three men with unusual guns, possibly stun guns come out and surround you giving the ones that were following a chance to catch-up. With five men surrounding you with stun guns you give up, there is nothing you can do or is there?

2nd Jan, 2017 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

A Super Hero Continue Story RPG Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 3

You raise your hands in the air as though to give up. You let them come close and put cuffs on you. As soon as they are relaxed you burst the cuffs from around your waist, take one of the men and throw him at his pals and then get into your car and mash the pedal. You look back in your mirror and…

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