Round Five
Cahleth just manages to break free of the spell binding him.
Fay and Lia try to hit the charging Rhino, but the former misses.
Targul and the Rhinoceros come together like rampaging titans. The beast slams his head into the fighter, shoving him to the side. Targul manages to keep his footing however, and delivers two deep cuts in return.
Poljen continues to dance among most of the remaining hostiles, cutting down one of the two horsemen who had been harassing him.
The Father is forced to defend himself, as the two by him finally muster the will to strike out, he takes a light cut along the ribs.
Out of Character: Targul took 12 damage this round, Poljen 11. Cahleth is free of the Hold Person, and will be able to act next round.
Onwen will continue to use chill touch with his primary target being the dwarf but if the dwarf falls he transfers it to any enemies around The Father.
Poljen turns to the last horseman. "Do you see what has happened to your comrades? I hope so! That way you can tell them what happened to each of them when you see them in whatever hell you are headed for!" He moves to the man and does his best to remove the man from the field.
Lia notices with relief that Cahleth is stirring." Welcome back Cahleth, I saved you a few. " She laughs. Looking down she sees Poljen staggered and bloodied. Calling upon Sune she holds her amulet up and healing energy streaks towards the barbarian. Seeing the rhino close by Fay she curses. She will not allow Fay to be killed. Slinging her bow on her back she draws out her sword and shield. Climbing down from the roof she tries to skirt around the battle. Lia then moves towards Fay and strikes at the rhinoceros.
Specific Action: Casts healing word level 2 on Poljen. Moves to Fay's side and attacks rhinoceros.
Out of Character: : Healing word modifier is a +7. Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Mar, 2017 - 4:13am
Geoffroy had been keeping with those that they rescued from the temple into the caves, while the fighting continue from without. His thoughts upon the situation before them, he considered what will do. Even then, he would make sure everyone made into the cave safely, and guard from behind.
Targul yells, "IS THAT ALL THAT YOU GOT!?!" and proceeds to charge after the beast.
Using the adrenaline of the encounter, he shakes off some of the pain from the rhino hitting him, even though he tries not to show that it hurt.
Out of Character: Second Wind as he keeps up the attack.
Cahleth gathers himself after breaking free from the spell. He reclaims his bow and resumes the assault on the dwarven mage and his henchmen.
After firing the shots he moves to find firm ground, looking to climb down the backside of the house.