Word passes up and down the prisoner lines as the paladin spread the word. There's a murmuring, as the prisoners start getting restless, and the guards at the door start taking notice.
[For the people outside the warehouse, I am still waiting on first round actions and/or initiatives for Geoffroy, Lia (I presume the bless goes up just before contact is made), Onwen, Targul, and Nyzahr. Also need HP rolls for Fay's sleep spells.] Edited: daishain on 19th Apr, 2017 - 12:45am
Having cast Bless just before Poljen and Cratol reach the enemy lines, she looks to the rescued half-elf. " Now we strike and free others. " Lia takes aim at a guard a little way off from where Poljen and Cratol are. She will fire once combat begins. Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Apr, 2017 - 12:35am
Fay sees Poljen and Cratol make it to the enemy line and he moves forward 20' and casts sleep in the middle of whichever flank of the enemy has more bad guys and animal companions. He the moves an additional 10' and takes out his crossbow.
Out of Character: Fay casts sleep at 2nd level.
Targul will wait until Poljen and Cratol make their move. Once fighting starts, he will charge the nearest enemy who is still standing and attack with his great sword.
Onwen is going to assist Fay by holding his action until after Fay at which point he will cast Sleep as well to try and take down more of the enemy. He will cast Sleep at 2nd level.