Its a vague feeling of horror that is the first thing that Onwen feels as Lia's life returning energy courses through him. On the peripheral of his mind is a vague image, or is it a memory, of a vast wall. Were there faces in the wall? Was that his face he saw in that horrible structure? The horror is driven away by sudden pain as his life returns to his smoldering body and Onwen lets out a groan as he pulls himself up. His vision, blurry at first, clears quickly as his senses come to him and he remembers that he is in the midst of a battle. Bringing himself to his hands and knees he looks up and sees the enemy mage lying prostrate in the alley, asleep or dead?
Onwen sneers as he pushes himself up to a standing position with a pain filled grunt. (Basically taking a full round action to come to his senses and stand up. I figure Onwen would not spring back to his feet so quickly after having been fried by a lightening bolt that almost killed him.).
Fay goes to the mage and shoves a wad of cloth in his mouth while holding a dagger to his throat. He then uses long strips of cloth or rope if it's available to tie his hands behind his back. "Nyzahr, woulds't thou please see to the prisoners in the warehouse" looking at Lia he asks, "How do thee fare Lady?"
Out of Character: A mage is a good prisoner. Edited: Abnninja on 25th Apr, 2017 - 12:08am
Cratol lays there for a minute as he seeks control over his body, the pain and the fatigue he now feels. He slowly pulls his body up to a standing position with is staff. He looks around for any more enemies. If he does not see any he will start heading towards the warehouse to help those that are in there gain freedom and get them into the cave.
When the soldier flees. And the magic helm disappears form around his head, Poljen turns and runs after the mage. As he sprints down the alley he calls out to Lia, "Which way did he turn?"
Out of Character: : Full movement, Dash as Bonus Action, and Movement for Action if needed… he wants that mage!
Lia looks at Fay with a wry grin. " I've been better. This is the third time in a week I have been hit by lightning. I shall run for cover with any storm cloud I see now. I'm okay really all things considered. I just need some rest and time to heal up. Good idea taking him prisoner. We should take these others as well. It is murder to kill them in cold blood and we can't let them rejoin the enemy force. Maybe we can use them for leverage in a prisoner exchange. "
Hearing Poljen calling out as he runs up " Hold Poljen. Fay has the mage captive over there. " Lia points over to Fay and the unconscious mage. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Apr, 2017 - 1:29am
Cratol and Poljen each open a warehouse.
The monk finds a large number of prisoners sitting tied together in the dark.
The barbarian on the other hand finds that his building is mostly empty, with prisoners quickly filing out through a hole in the wall.
Velon, the people with you are almost out, the ones who had fallen unconscious were wakened easily enough.
All of a sudden, the doors slam open again, and the bloodied form of a very large man with yellow hair is standing there.