Considering the bracelet and anytool, Geoffroy offers, "I stall admit, I am curious to see just what sort of fire related affects the bracelet may have." Since fire was something he understood, the cleric felt it may be of use.
The Morninglord tries on the bracelet, please see that it actually does fit and admired the smaller details. It was more of a golden color, perhaps made from the metal, yet with reddish swirls it seems and a small ruby as well place in a burst design.
Looking at the other item he adds, "The anytool could be kept by anyone of us, or given its usefulness perhaps be a group item for all of the Silver Blaze to use?" He wondered if Onwen would have interest in anything. Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Jan, 2017 - 12:33am
Onwen doesn't express interest in much other than the robe of the enemy mage, claiming it as a trophy of sorts. Even if he recognizes that the rod has magical properties he does not make any claims on it and willingly allows another member of the party to claim it. The only interest in the loot that he would demonstrate would be Linn's spell book, arcane scrolls, etc. And he does want to ensure that he is allowed to claim at least a portion of any coin recovered to help fund his research.
Onwen would ritualistically cast comprehend languages on Linn's spell book; taking the book Onwen tries to find a makeshift surface to place it on in a secluded place. He takes his staff and traces a large circle on the ground, about ten feet in diameter around the book, as he does so a dark blue energy emerges from the onyx gem on top of his staff and seems to melt into the ground in the circular pattern. He begins to trace various arcane symbols in the air above the book and on the surface of the book itself, which also tend to appear as dark blue swirling energy that forms a symbol in the air before dissipating. He mutters arcane words as he traces the symbols, his movements precise and thought out as he occasionally references his spell book. As he concludes the ritual he gently traces his fingers over the words in the book and as he does so the his mind is able to discern and comprehend the language of the text, assuming the spell works as its intended to and he has the time to complete the ritual.
Sar'ai will carefully give the interior of Linn's tent a once over before checking out the alter. The wizard will study the alter and placement of the different items about it to try to get a better understanding of its arcane and/or religious significance. She then will investigate the chest for any magical signature as well as any mechanized trap given the protections placed on the entry to the tent itself.
(If nothing is found to be amiss, Sar'ai will attempt to pick the lock on the chest. If a trap is discovered she will try to disarm that first.)
Out of Character: Don't know exactly which skill you want to be used for lock picking, so I just did a straight Dexterity check. But if you allow it to be slight of hand, add another +2 to the roll.
The book translated by Onwen appears to be a journal of sorts. The most interesting entries follow:
“I have been ordered to seal off the western Greenest perimeter by whatever means necessary. There are a few isolated groups of bandits that can be used for this purpose. None can be allowed to leave this place until the harvest is complete.”
“Uniting the bandits turned out to be simple enough once I encountered Miller. Ambition and greed run strong with this one. A gift of gold, and the promise of more to come were sufficient motivation, and I now have my own personal warband, if one composed of people who are more maggots than men. I suspect that only the steady supply of funds prevents them from turning on me for my own belongings, but the arrangement should hold for a sufficient time.”
“Matters have been going smoothly enough. We've split people onto both sides of the road, lookouts warn us of incoming targets, and they get hit with arrows from both sides before they know what's happening. In the event some of them show magical aptitude, I make sure they remain ineffective. Most surrender without putting up any resistance after the initial strike. The looks on their faces when they realize the act did not save their lives are quite amusing.”
“I had an idea during the latest raid, there was a young woman among the initial survivors, she looked to be a suitable candidate for our purposes. I had to give Miller the best gem in my collection to convince him to keep her alive as anything but a playtoy, but it was enough. She is alive and untouched. They'll be collecting any other such women for delivery to our camp in the mountains. I think mistress Rezmir will be pleased by my initiative. The promised per head bounty won't be an issue, Miller and his thugs won't be left to talk when this is over. He had better still have my sapphire at that point.”
The rest of it details largely unimportant daily events, a great deal of griping about the conditions he's living in, and brief notes on the captured "Subjects" you found in the paddock.
Sar'ai can detect a faint hint of magic about the altar, but can only be certain that it isn't arcane in nature. She suspects that this would be more to Geoffroy's area of expertise.
She does not discern any traps on the chest, mundane or magical. However, the lock stymies her efforts.
[I did add the +2, but in this case it is proficiency with Thieves' Tools that gave that particular bonus. Still wasn't quite enough though. No you can't just keep rerolling. You can 'take ten' on the check under the circumstances, but the resulting 16 isn't enough either.]
At the mass grave, the paladin helps Lia console the others as best he can, but he is not very good at doing so. When the subject of what to do with the bodies comes up, he says, "I am afraid we must move on too swiftly to allow for proper burials. I think the best we can do is arrange a funeral pyre here. There are several clerics among our number, Lia here included, who can together oversee the ceremony."
(Sorry, left Targul hanging for a bit) Targul doesn't notice much not already observed, but in the leader's tent, is a very noticeable and quite large iron casket, heavy enough that even the mighty half-orc would have difficulty lifting it on his own. It is locked. Edited: daishain on 23rd Jan, 2017 - 7:20am
Lia nods as she hears Sir Onthar mention about a ceremony. She frowns as she sees the carrion at work. She addresses the women. " Yes, he is correct. I am a representative of my Lady Sune. There are clerics of other deities available as well. We will make sure that proper respect is paid to your loved ones. That is the least we can do for you. "
Poljen works briefly with the two women, and says, "You are brave, and can learn. But until you have more practice or experience, I think you should focus on using a bow to stay at range, or if in Greenest and it is under siege, support behind the lines. Run messages, take shifts on watch and such. And stay together, especially if in a fight. Remember, numbers can swing the balance."
While waiting to hear from his companions about anything they might need him for, he will keep training the two, and eating.