Cratol will bow his head and look at the bones as he tries to cross the room. He will not look towards any of the statues unless something tries attacking him. If he makes it past the statues he will wait for the others. Edited: KNtoran on 9th Feb, 2018 - 5:53pm
Taking the cues from the Statue's poses, Lawrance removes and bundles up his magical Robe, positions his head down and arms enfolded in his regular cloak as he waits to see the results a the party starts across. "I would recommend not looking into their hoods, actually. One disadvantage to this Robe is that I can't stop looking. :D"
"Be respectful, be humble at the right time as well. Got it. Why would the white mask be hidden in this place? You say this Diderius was a powerful seer? Any chance they aren't here for the mask at all, but rather a method of finding it via the seer? If I recall Cratol's account of what Chasorth had to say correctly, they weren't sure of Varram's exact purpose."
Velon raises his arm as Cratol walks through the next room, urging everyone behind him to hold up and see what happens. "Remember, be respectful of this place at all times if possible. Let's not destroy any statues or anything of the like. We should honor Diderius's tomb, if that's what this place ends up being."
Velon looks a bit confused by it all, but is doing his best. He hopes the true brains in the party will unlock the meaning of this place.
Cratol crosses the room safely and into the next.
The next space is a large round domed room. There is a massive and beautiful mosaic on the ceiling. Chimeras chasing and being chased in turn by knights around the dome.
There are three doors here. Directly across from you is a large pair of double doors, clad in corroded copper. Still visible is a carving of a number of mages surrounding a large pool. The central figure, a larger than life man with an elaborate diadem, raises his hands above the pool as if drawing something forth. The copper clad doors bulge noticeably towards you for some reason.
The other two doors, simple wooden affairs, are to your left and right. They appear to have once been identical, but someone recently scrawled the word "SAFE" onto the left hand one in chalk. Edited: daishain on 9th Feb, 2018 - 6:16pm
Poljen crouches down by the dead cultist, simply trying to ascertain how long ago he was killed. Shaking his head he follows the lead of the others, keeping his head down until in the next room with the mosaic and doors. "Even if that word on the door is true, I would doubt what we seek is behind such a door. But I leave these puzzles to the rest of you… unless I have a flash of brilliance. And we know how are those are!"
Then he suddenly says, "I hope that the picture is not of the mage drawing water out, and the door under pressure, holding back a flood!"
Out of Character: : Investigation check for the dead body. Edited: PaulNelson on 9th Feb, 2018 - 6:22pm
Following in turn, Lawrance makes a note about removing his robe on the way back, or Dimension Dooring across. As he meets up with Velon and the rest, he says "That was my thoughts as well, when I recalled who this mage was. Something as unique and powerful as one of the masks should be fairly easy to find with typical magics, but this seer may have had access to a more powerful scrying tool that Varram intends to use. "
Putting his Robe back on gain, he checks the doors visually, looking for any other signs of recent passage that would reveal the way their foes took. Examining the central door and it's mosaic he says "Doesn't that look like something wanting to break out of those doors, or tried?"
Specific Action: Investigation roll, History Roll.
Crossing the hall with all the reverence and etiquette one would show in court, Nikolaos then enters the room with the three doors.
"They intend on coming back though here if they wrote on the door. Let's make it a little more difficult for them. Does anyone have any chalk?"
He then points to the writing on the door says an incantation and the chalk marks fade away.
Specific Action: casting prestidigitation to remove the word safe from the door.