The group makes it through without further incident. Velon and Tazskan are forced to remove their armor in order to safely fit through the hidden tunnel, but they manage, and with a few minutes work, are able to re-armor themselves on the other side.
In the room with the supplies Nikolaos wonders aloud, "I wonder where the water goes when it's poured into the basin here?"
Turning to the mules, "Poor guys got left all alone here in this place where something could come and get them if it got hungry. I bet they could help us open the doors if we can't figure out another way to do it."
He says a quick prayer, then proceeds to examine the sluice out of the room more closely, putting an ear into the opening to try and hear anything from the passage beyond.
Before he can relay his findings to the others he is interrupted by the commotion of a thousand bones crashing down the hall. He runs to the top of the slope and witnesses the carnage below.
Seeing that the immediate damage is over he approaches his allies and offers a hand helping people up. "That looks like it hurt! Let me help fix you up."
Specific Action: casting comprehend languages with helmet. Perception check for listening. Casting Aura of Vitality to start healing people
Out of Character: How do we want to divide up healing responsibilities in the future? Will have 5 more rounds of healing left once I see how these rolls are. Is this a clear way of disambiguating this spell or should I do it a different way? Also did I get it right on who got hurt?
Edit: I messed up putting in die rolls please see the rules post that I made where I apologize and attempt to fix it. Do this before updating your hps. Edited: Kingowlbear on 11th Feb, 2018 - 3:51pm
After making it through the tunnel,Lawrance wonders about what actually is on the other side of that door, and if it really is a cow they are cooking.
Out of Character: : King, isn't aura 2d6 per round, per target? Lawrance is barely hurt, focus on Taz and others.I think you put the 2 in the wrong spot! :). Edited: Gknightbc on 11th Feb, 2018 - 3:50pm
Lia smiles in relief as everyone gets out of the hallway safely. Feeling the healing energy knitting up her injuries she nods at Nikolaos." Thank you for that."
Once she sees that everyone has joined them, Mari follows after Cratol and Zarra. She will draw her twin blades in preparation.
Out of Character: : Kingowl, the healing is correct except for Mari. Daishain said she was barely scratched. I'm not sure if that meant she passed both saves or one save since I don't see the rolls for her. She might not have taken any damage.??
As to the healing.... Niko can handle the out of combat healing with aura of vitality easily if we are in a hurry. In the past we would normally take a short rest or Lia would cast Prayer of Healing. In combat do you want to heal or mainly concentrate on your other spells? Once you answer that we can work on it from there. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Feb, 2018 - 4:05pm
"Velon, Taz; while you still have your armor off let me dress the rest of your wounds so you will be ready for battle. It should only take a minute. Lia I can help you too if you would like while our friends get dressed."
Specific Action: using healer's kits as described in house rules with guidance to boost rolls. Need to roll at least 10 Velon first then Taz finally Lia for rolls.
Out of Character: if any are already healed up let me know so I can adjust inventory. Edited: Kingowlbear on 11th Feb, 2018 - 5:03pm
Poljen curses under his breath when the skeletal arms force the ball to move too quickly for him to catch it. He helps the others, after the ball is destroyed, back up to the secret passage/chimney. He will go down absolute last as he is unharmed at this point.
As they group discusses what to do, he says, "Velon, can you tell if they are demons or devils on the other side of that door? Regardless, we should probably just slay them. I doubt we could trust them to keep a bargain. And I would rather deal with them while we have the element of surprise."
"Demons don't speak that language. It's different, trust me I know," Perry says as he points to his horns and tail. "Of course you would suggest the brute force option first. Devils aren't completely irrational you know, we aren't demons," Perry sighs. "Well whatever, I'll go along with whatever the leaders decide. I'm still new to all this after all," Perry shrugs, palms facing up as he shakes his head and looks towards Lia and Velon.