As Cratol steps on, the construct pauses again. The weapons dissipate, and the orbs change color again. One hand now appears to be holding fire, another a ball of lightning, the third drips with some bubbling liquid, and the fourth a shard of ice.
Velon sees the fire, lightning, ice weapon and bubbling liquid and sarcastically remarks "Ooh, that looks harmless, too" before snapping out of it again and listening to Poljen.
"Oh, ah, yes do it!"
He observes the outcome of Poljen stepping on his blue circle. If the outcome is unsurprising, such as nothing happening or the weapons changing, Velon then steps on his own gray circle to test further.
Out of Character:
Even trickier to do this in initiative, so I made a list. If Velon had been ahead of Poljen (Each being after Cratol), I would have had him step on his circle first just to not waste actions. Instead I will tentatively have Velon test his circle after observing what happens with Poljen this round. We could potentially use more people near each circle to give us more tries at things per round.
28 - Mari
24 - Perry
20 - Cratol
19 - Taz
13 - Poljen
10 - Morgaine
7 - Lia
5 - Lawrance
1 - Velon.
While Cratol stands his ground on the multi-colored stone circle, Poljen once more steps onto the blue one. As he does so he cries out, "Don't forget to see if there are changes besides to the guardian!" He glances down at the blue stone, to see if it changes color or shape, or anything unusual.
Morgaine will watch for anything that goes on around her from her position between Poljen and Cratol.
Out of Character: Doing Insight and Perception checks just in case she notices anything out of the ordinary. I know I am down on the turn list, but just posting what I am doing for my turn.
Perry hops on and off the grey circle, the construct pauses as it once again forms the giant sized weapons in its hands, but nothing seems to happen for the repeated hops.
Poljen steps on blue, and the construct again shifts back to the blue orbs
Velon starts to move towards grey, but the construct does something first. The blue orbs in its hands flash, and several spells are formed at once. The stone on and around the grey circle suddenly grows slick with grease, threatening Perry and Velon's footing. Fog billows around Poljen, obstructing his vision of what is going on.
On one side of the arena, near where Cratol was with the multicolored circle, a trio of heavily armed figures appear. Humanoid, well groomed, in shining armor. Their heads are that of noble looking dogs. They draw greatswords and move to attack.
On the other side, a large sinewy reptile appears. Largely resembling a serpent, it has two limbs on which it holds its upper body upright while the rest slithers along the ground.
Out of Character: others not mentioned can distribute themselves wherever they wish. Perry and Velon need to make DC 16 Dexterity saves or fall prone. A DC 15 arcana check will identify the serpentine creature as a linnorm, a primeval and exceptionally violent creature with a distant connection to dragons. A DC 15 Religion check will identify the humanoid figures as Hound Archons, celestial outsiders known for their dedication.
P.S. I just had to pick a circle for the shape of this arena, why couldn't I ever just do a nice boring square for the fights complex enough to need a map…
Oh well, working on the excel battlemap now, should be done shortly. Source 3w
Current initiative order: Mari, Perry, Cratol, Taz, Poljen, Morgaine, Lia, Construct, Lawrance, Velon. In this instant we are paused just before Lawrance's turn.
Edited: daishain on 30th Sep, 2018 - 12:33am