Hey Dishain, sorry to have to drop, but I'm getting a little too busy to keep up and just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to participate any long.
However, I did have fun and enjoyed your campaign. Thanks for having me.
Hi Daishain, I was just reviewing our character creation notes for an important element behind Velon's current motivations. Did we confirm that Randall was not found dead in Dawnrun? I don't think the Priest would have fought back much against the invaders. He probably would have just been trying to usher people to safety in the church.
Chances are then that Randall would have been taken captive rather than killed. Greenest is close enough to that village that this could very well be the same group you encountered before. Whether or not you will find Randall at this bunch's destination is anyone's guess, but it is your best lead at present.
I have updated the character sheet, trying to keep overall changes to a minimum, and will be using a different format for spells which should help better keep track of such for each day between long rests. More, I will be making sure to consider switching out spells instead of just leaving it be.
Also, if I have used more uses then shown let me know.
Okay everyone, here is Jharen Korvac, a.k.a. "Amber Jack", an ex-operative in Waterdeep's Shadow Thieves Guild now working for the highest bidder as a spy and safe-breaker.
My idea was to have him sent by the Harpers (Which have been his current employer on a number of missions already, so as not to say that he's in the process of becoming one himself…) to support the Blaze's effort in their mission, (Both technically and morally: maybe he will take an interest in keeping some of the wilder elements in check and reinforce the need for group cohesion? To Dungeon Master's discretion, of course !)
This one is a Neutral Good professional Thief, utterly committed to fulfill his contract with his employer: not because he hates evil (Which he kind of does anyway, since he finds evil behavior so lacking in style in most cases… and messy, too !), but because failing his mission would tarnish his reputation, and that would in turn hurt his finances. Man's gotta eat, does he not ?
Hope you all enjoy him, if and when I get the green light from Daishain and the rest of the group, I'll get to work on the finer mechanics of his skills, proficiencies and all that jazz…