Yeah, I guess I didn't understand your question first time, sorry about that:
My idea was to get Nyzahr away from the campaign for the time being, and introduce this new character for the next episode (While finding a decent reason for Nyzahr's absence from the game…). Eventually Jharen can be taken away again and Nyzahr could come back, or he stays and she remains off on her own business… depending how things unfold.
But the idea was never to play them both at the same time, no. I just wondered if I could "Retire" Nyzahr for a while without having to lose her permanently.
So yeah, I guess "Tag-team" is close to the idea, here… but I wouldn't want to do this all the time, only just once to bring a change of character, then hopefully settle playing only one of them for good (Do what thou shallt with the other, at that point…).
I hope that answers your question.
P.S: here is Jharen's character sheet sofar, as reference
JHAREN KORVAC a.k.a. "Amber Jack"
Rogue Lv5
Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
CON: 11 (+0)
INT: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
A tad weatherbeaten but still a lean and agile scoundrel for a man nearing his mid-thirties, with piercing blue eyes and shoulder-length light-brown hair tied in a loose pony tail, Jharen sports a constant stubble, short reddish sideburns and a silver ring in his left ear, along with a small scar on his right cheekbone (A "Souvenir" from his early fencing days…).
His is the nonchalant demeanor of one who has lived through many dire situations and somehow always strived to turn them to his best advantage, all without ceasing to cultivate a certain good-natured philosophy about it all, along with a cynical wit.
He often wears a long pale brown overcoat of supple leather over a tightly padded protective vest and uses his thin and deadly-looking rapier with surprising speed and ferocity, while keeping a seemingly unending supply of throwing knives of all sizes and shapes hidden in various spots o his person.
He enjoys baubles and often can be seen with a fine collar of rare beads or a mysterious amulet of some sort along with a few rings.
Also known for his taste in difficult women and easy-listening ballads, Tharen has a reputation as an avid dancer, a teller of jokes or tall tales and a connoisseur of the finer things in life, but his easy-going demeanor hide his true nature as a seasoned adventurer and spy.
Generally a good man to know when private dealings with disreputable characters or discreet contracts are required, "Amber Jack" - as he's known amongst his peers - is indeed not a poet, but a realist and definitely not a man to be underestimated: while he has his own code of honor and moral compass, and seems to have somehow retained a part of himself unsoiled by the mire of the underworld where he has made his living for the best part of two decades, he can be relentless when provoked and has been known to never leave a score unsettled.
The younger son of a seaman and a seamstress, Jharen "Amber Jack" Korvac rose from humble beginnings, selling sea-shells and chasing loose coins in the docks districts as a street urchin, to quickly becoming one of the Sword Coast's most notorious thief and smuggler, carving a name for himself as a professional scoundrel with a strong ethics code and a rare nose for profit, operating first under Cloakmaster Herenhadt in Waterdeep then increasingly as a solo operator in Baldur's Gate, following the infiltration and relocation of the Shade Council.
After trying his hand at various facets of his not-so-honorable profession, he now specializes in investigation and information-gathering (With the occasional breaking-and-entering, should the need arises) for the Harpers, who seem to know the valor (And monetary value) of a true professional.
They are, after all, somewhat hard to find these days… you could ask his competitors, if he hadn't run them all out of business already.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 12th Jun, 2017 - 4:21am
Right then, basic concept at least approved. The character sheet can be edited now. Go ahead and finish fleshing it out.
I take it you went with standard human? The one without the bonus feat but adds 1 to all attributes? If so, the stats are correct.
Yes, he's a regular human. I used an online link to distribute the 27 ability points (With +1 on all stats as you said), glad it was correct.
I guess I'll get on to work on his skills and gear now.
Talking about gear, do you have a suggestion for a standard equipment I can fit him with, some extras because of his level, some dos / do nots ? What about starting coins ? Some scrolls, potions or magic items of any kind ? How do you suggest we do this ?
Weapon-wise, I'll have him using a rapier and throwing daggers with another ranged weapon thrown in, probably a crossbow (Talking about which, I just realized Nyzahr also had a crossbow this WHOLE TIME ! ... And I kept her away from ranged combat because I'd totally forgotten about it. Duh.)
Quickly refresh my memory on attack and damage bonuses:
Attack = proficiency + either Dexterity or Strength modifier
Damage= ... Not too sure anymore. Do I also use the same modifier as attack (With the proficiency counted in)? Do I use the Dexterity modifier for a ranged / finesse weapon ?
Glad you approved Jharen's arrival, hopefully it'll add even more fun and good dynamics to our little dysfunctional adventurers' family… *wink*.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 12th Jun, 2017 - 1:16pm
Hmm, for this stage I'm going to say 1 uncommon and 2 common magic items of your choice, plus 250 gp equipment budget, pocketing what isn't spent.
Attack mod = proficiency plus appropriate ability mod (Strength for most melee, Dexterity for bows, Charisma for a sorcerer's firebolt, etc.)
Damaging spells don't by default add any mods, weapons on the other hand add on the ability score used with them, but not proficiency.
So with her rapier, Jharen would roll 1d20+6 for the attack, and 1d8+3 for the damage.
What archetype did you have in mind for Jharen? Five are available by default, Thief, Assassin, Arcane Trickster, Mastermind, and Swashbuckler. (Last two are in the sword coast book).
Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2017 - 1:29pm
Thanks for clearing up the attack / damage issue: I figured it was the way you just described, just had a nagging doubt is all…
As for the rogue type, I was gonna go with plain ol' Thief, but I just had a look at the Mastermind set and it really seems to go with what I had in mind, so here again thanks for pointing these out, I wasn't aware of the SCAG. In fact, it seems difficult to find a copy of it anywhere online, right ? But definitely enjoyed the forgery / disguise / extra languages package. Should come in handy. Saying this, any useful tips on which languages may be of use at the next stage of the campaign (If that makes sense, Jharen may have been sent to the help the Blaze also because of these particular language skills…)?
I was considering taking Draconian as part of my INT +1 modifier (If you allow that type of mechanics, I know now 5e is different that earlier editions in that way…), and maybe elvish and either orc, goblin or Kobold (Although seems like a lot of these later creatures already have some knowledge of common, so not sure how useful that will be).
As far as the uncommon and common magical items, do you have a reference for this in the PHB or anywhere else I can go to get a better idea ?
Thanks for helping out, a bit rusty on my Dungeons & Dragons "How-tos", I'm afraid. And totally new to 5e, obviously !
P.S: as far as I understand, characters start with maximum HP at level 1? And the "Reasonable medium" alternative to rolling would then be what, a 4 or a 5 (For a D8 Hit Die)?
Edited: AshDrunbar on 12th Jun, 2017 - 3:31pm
Default language of Kobolds is Draconic, so that one's covered.
With both orcs and goblins, in any large group, you can often find a few that speak some common. But for small groups and individuals, I wouldn't count on it.
Elvish would be appropriate, in that role you'd likely have a fair amount of dealings with them.
Undercommon is often the province of shady dealers, which again, is something you may have dealt with.
Magic items listed by rarity Source 4l
Magic item descriptions Source 9n
5E's list of magic items is rather anemic at this point, so feel free to peruse low level magic items from 3.5e/Pathfinder if you wish. Any requested items will be subject to my discretion and possible editing of course.
He definitely seems like an interesting guy, though amusingly similar in character and personality to one of mine. Not certain how that might work out, if I ever brought Jonathon, but from what I can see though both men are ones of charm and with a more easy going nature so it could lead to some interesting roleplaying. Of course, if could also be fun exploring how they are different.
For mine though he is a bard and teller of stories not a gentleman thief, though Jonathon can very much be a scoundrel with a love of the fairer sex. Laughs, they could probably swap a fair few stories at least as well perhaps compete for the attention of certain lovely party members such as perhaps a certain fair wood elf.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jun, 2017 - 6:08pm