Thanks Poljen. Can I assume Cahleth attunes to the rapier during this long rest? Anything special I need to do?
Also, would anyone else prefer that weapon? I'm rarely in melee since I'm most effective at range. I can change my tactics though if no one else wants it. Edited: RyanJ on 31st Mar, 2017 - 5:16pm
It takes one hour to attune to a weapon, and yes you can have done that during the long rest.
Attuning to a magic item grants the owner knowledge of what it can do, and is usually the easiest way to figure that out. However, it should be noted that blindly attuning to something can be dangerous, as doing so will activate any curses placed on the same.
Do note that a character can by default use a max of three attunement items at once, though swapping something out can be done at the same time as attuning to something else.
And I'm actually wondering if your new buddy Fay would like it. He is likely to be in melee notably more often than Cahleth. Edited: daishain on 31st Mar, 2017 - 5:41pm
Out of Character: While the balista is not that great at accuracy if you get a decent roll maybe you can hit the leader Cyan with one of the big bolts. That should do some serious damage to him right before the others attack him and his command.
If you guys want to get prepped in any particular way, or do something prior to Onthar's group making contact with Cyanwrath's, now would be the time.
If nothing else, those civilian archers look like they need some direction.
The most likely target with those stipulations would be the group to your south.
Saturating the area with bowfire would not exactly be recommended, as there are a number of innocent townsfolk in the area. But there are a few enemies further away from the prisoner lines that could be targeted by the ballistas and/or the more skilled archers with next to no risk of friendly casualties. You probably wouldn't pick off more than a handful before the rest find cover and/or use the prisoners as shields, but you'd definitely get their attention. Catch is, if the plan is to distract Cyanwrath's bunch, they may or may not have a means to even know the southern group was hit for a while.
Hitting the northwest group instead would solve that problem, but presents additional risks, as there aren't currently any targets both in the open and well clear of the prisoners. Chances are good you'd hit the right target, but that isn't certain. Edited: daishain on 1st Apr, 2017 - 3:31pm
Fay's plan is keeping the archers focused on the kill boxes. Being barely trained Fay thought it'd be hard for the to lift and shift. That is why Fay asked Lia to ensure they are looking in that direction. Once that is done I think a good plan would be to have the ballista target the group to the south. The sound when they fire should be enough to get the attention of the command group. Then, Lia and Cahleth, our skilled archers, can target the northwest group. Hopefully, this will give the command group two things to think about and distract them enough for our plan to work. [By The Way], since Fay only has a light crossbow I expect he can't help with either group.
Group, do we agree? Edited: Abnninja on 1st Apr, 2017 - 4:00pm