I think it is beyond our abilities at this level. We have had a lot of help from the militia, ballistas etc. Without that we would have fallen. The true test is coming when we go into battle with limited or non existent healing capabilities and limited magic in general.
It was tough and tense but it sure has been fun. The reason Fay is giving orders is because of all the action going on even though it's only been about 36 hours in game time. We've done a heck of a lot of posting in that time because of the amount of activity. Fay is used to being a leader, he comes from the nobility. He doesn't give a hoot about this group or that group. If he sees something he thinks needs doing he's going to tell someone to do it if he can't do it himself. In a situation as desperate as this… he may give a bunch of instructions. So, I don't think it was above our level because we did have the militia and the ballistae. That said, it was darn hard… which is good. I'd rather have a tense situation where the characters are always on edge, and in truth I the player was too, then a walkover.
I love the tension of this campaign. Well done Daishain.
Thomaslee, I have a suggestion for you. Just make the healing done by prayer of healing. That way you just use the 1 level 2 slot and it heals everyone. THen use the others for those that might need it. That would help you not burn through all your spell slots.
Ah, I completely forgot about that spell. Here, I will made that roll here and we can ignore the others. Given how I cannot effectively use the spell in battle, I had forgotten about it in this situation.
Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Apr, 2017 - 3:12pm
Thomaslee changed the spell cast to prayer of healing to save spell slots. Up to 6 people can get 17 points of healing. After that you could use hit die healing or he also rolled for a couple of cure wounds which could be used.