Somewhere between 40 and 60, the little buggers on the road move around enough to make an accurate count difficult.
It should be noted that the group will have to backtrack a fair bit to get at said kobolds, and the problem of them likely seeing you from afar hasn't changed.
Fay is keeping his eyes open for changes in patterns, lessening of their security posture, merging of other forces, or any further breaking up of this force. He is also trying to keep track of their direction so we can tell Lia when she finds the reinforcements.
I will make a post soon, still deciding what I want Geoffroy and his sister to do or say as well working on a few other things. I would rather not make another post showing they are simply there, if you know what I mean, and actually have them do something. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th May, 2017 - 3:37pm
Yes, Daishain. Our little group will just keep moving quickly to find the reinforcements. We will set watches at night and be on the lookout for more enemy forces. Lia will continue communicating to Poljen every day at sunset with Sending. This will be continued until something changes.