I'm back in connection and ready to move whenever you all are. For now Nyzahr is still guarding the entrance of the cave and considering using a Clairvoyance spell to investigate further into the Rituals' room (The one with the evil energies that almost made Fay retch on their first forray…).
Daishain, is that at all feasible?
Whatever the results are, let me know when she can join back in the game.
And Abnninja, yes RL is a bit too "Real" sometimes, agreed !
Let's hope Paul gets back on soon. Edited: AshDrunbar on 28th May, 2017 - 3:16pm
You're good to go, check my second to last post for the results of clairvoyance.
EDIT: bit busy today, too much so to dig in and make the big update you guys need. Go ahead and discuss your findings with each other in the meantime. Edited: daishain on 28th May, 2017 - 8:22pm
Nyzahr will be making her way back towards the rest of the group shortly (See last post).
That evil statue may yet reveal us something. I wonder if it's some sort of portal… in that case, maybe a good time to use some of Poljen's muscle and smash it to pieces ? Just doesn't seem right to ignore the aura of evil coming from that idol.
Thomas, I meant to mention this before. I saw where you lost track of how many spell slots you had available. I thought I would share with you how I do it. This is the way I track it for 1st level for example. 4/4. When Lia casts a spell I immediately update it to 4/3. I do this for each level of spell I have. Then if the battle lasts for a week I don't have to look back through a lot of posts to see what all I have cast. I have this in the section where my spells are listed. Just wanted to offer a suggestion that might help.
Never mind. It looks like you are doing that now. Hope you enjoy Geoffroy's new abilities!
Daishain, Geoffroy shared this with me the other day. Is there a possibility of adopting any of this for Lia to show more of her allegiance to Sune? I don't expect it all because it is a nice boost. Is there anything out of there that would be okay for her to have? If you don't think so I'm fine with that. I want something to add a little more flavor to the class. I'm not trying to get more powerful.
Sune Heartwarder
Prerequisite: Cleric with the Life or Light Divine Domain
You are a celebrant of the goddess of love and beauty. Lady Firehair has proven to you that true love and following your heart are the only things that matter. Your vestments are deep crimson robes cut to show off your body.
Thanks to your devotion, you gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain proficiency in Persuasion.
• You learn the fire bolt cantrip.
• You learn the charm person spell and it is a domain spell for you. When you cast it, the target humanoid has disadvantage on its Wisdom saving throw. Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th May, 2017 - 7:59pm
Question, can I bring in a second character since there are two slots open?
I have been considering bringing in a character I have been tinkering with, but I have also been greatly enjoying my time playing Geoffroy. Then there is consideration of taking on, in upgrading, Elyria to PC status if her brother dies… but my hope is that this doesn't happen anytime soon. Edited: Thomaslee on 29th May, 2017 - 11:51pm