No, Lia is good to go and will be arriving on the ledge during her round 8 turn, the previous athletics roll of 9 was good enough to get you up top, just not in one round. So have fun. :P.
EDIT: If Cratol started moving at the time Poljen got taken and/or when Fay yelled at him, and spends a Ki point and his action to dash twice, he can get up to the top of the ledge in time to act in round 8.
He will need to pass a DC 10 athletics check to climb up there in one go however.
That sound good Kn? Edited: daishain on 5th Jun, 2017 - 4:20am
Oh no, my [Critical Hit] never happened Poljen! Oh well, another time, I rolled a bunch of 1's on damage anyhow.
Daishain, if Velon crits with GFB and Smite, which damage types get the extra dice? Base damage I'm sure, not the modifier, but what about the fire and the radiant provided by the cantrip and smite ability?
Since Poljen did not get his attacks in, did the Athletics check count? I assume if it did it was not enough. And any chance his spare longsword (Silvered) is in its scabbard?
Also his stone is still it, which can help guide folks. And I promise he is still yelling…warning about the creature lying in ambush. Edited: PaulNelson on 5th Jun, 2017 - 5:51pm