I'm going to amplify just a bit here since it seems to be the in thing to do. Fay is not interested in being in the Blaze. Not with the current leader. Possibly not with Geoffroy if it goes in that direction. That has yet to be seen. He will work with the Blaze though. He will follow Lia's leadership while working with the Blaze. And just as before, he will do everything within his power to make sure missions get completed and in defense of the Blaze's members. But if he feels Lia's life is in danger because of poor leadership, he will act on her behalf.
Everyone's life will be put into danger, that is to be expected especially in adventures like this. Yet I can promise that Geoffroy at least will do everything he can to make sure no one dies or is hurt more then needed, as I feel most rest of the Blaze.
One thing I believe that is not being understood, perhaps by Fay, is that Lia has been with Blaze for quite some time. She is and has been a very important part of Silver Blaze, so through this as well she is important to pretty much everyone a part of the party. For those involved or are part of the party, risk is something that should be understood. Something I would think even the wood elf understands.
No one wants to see Lia die yet her son, both perhaps for being so new and because of having so strongly bonded with his mother, I worry may have come to believe that isn't the case. Hopefully it is something that can be fixed, but it matters how things work out. Still, he may be going a bit overboard. Geoffroy will have to prove what happened with the Stalker is not the norm. Edited: Thomaslee on 9th Jun, 2017 - 8:45pm
Fay understands quite well that Lia was part of the Blaze. Fay is not a 16 year old. He is a seasoned Bard who has served on military campaigns with his father and older brothers. He also understands that there are dangers to be faced. If good leadership decisions are made and Lia dies he will be heartbroken, but he will understand. What he is concerned about are bad decisions. You may feel Fay is going overboard but you had Geoffroy protect his sister from any danger whatsoever until very recently. That seems like the same thing to me.
Which is a big part of why I have been playing Geoffroy with understanding the half-elf's position, as he too has held deep concern for the well being of a loved one and fear of her dying.
More, even I very much understand which is why I do have plans of the Morningliege helping Fay come to trust those of the Silver Blaze better then he does now and realize that what happened with the Stalker was a situation that got so very out of hand. It will be something Geoffroy will strive to make sure will not happen again.
Geoffroy will defend his comrades, even those who choose at this time to not join officially with the Silver Blaze and their mother, as he will not wish to see any deaths that could have been prevented. That he will make sure any unnecessary risks are avoided while still encouraging his companions to shine brightly, watching each others back and not placing another at risk for their actions. Edited: Thomaslee on 9th Jun, 2017 - 9:26pm
Is this arrangement, if not to everyone's liking, at least suitable enough to continue? I know you guys would like to get back to the game.
Fay's history check, whenever someone gets around to describing Nyzahr's conversation with Azbara to him, is enough for the following:
The description of Azbara, his trade, his attitude, apparent ability to craft powerful scrolls, and his physical appearance, highly suggest that he is one of the infamous Red Wizards of Thay. Thay is a country far to the east, known as much for its thriving slave trade as for the mages who rule every facet of life there.
The power of an individual Red Wizard varies widely among their order, but if this one was willing to casually threaten someone he thought was Cyanwrath and his army…
Poljen has some issues, which I will address in an hour or two in the main post. But as a player I have one grave reservation about Geoffroy being the team leader. And it is really about Thomaslee. He has had a tendency to go days at a time with no posting. That would be incredibly disruptive to the flow of the game. That said, depending on how Poljen's issues are addressed, I may be willing to give it a go. But right now I have work to finish up… at least this time it was not a homicide…
Which it should be noted I have gotten better at of late, and I plan very much to buckle down and not do such any more. I have also taken some advice onto how better manage things when it comes to posting. Sure, things are still a bit chaotic and uncertain in real life… yet I have found ways in which to have time to post. Helped admittedly that I am no longer having a couple of friends staying at may place, as they were a major distraction keeping me from being as often as I otherwise could. Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Jun, 2017 - 1:27am
I agree that Thomaslee has gotten better these last couple of days. But until we go a few weeks that way, without the prolonged silences, I will be leery. Again, that said, I am willing to give it a go. Provided Poljen's concerns are assuaged. I look forward to the replies to his latest query.