Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 255 of 948

The six month hiatis is ok with me I have - Page 255 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 10th Jun, 2017 - 11:34pm

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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 8:33pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 255

Given recent events, I have a query to pose.

We are nearing something of a potential pause point in the campaign. Normally, I would begin the next section right off, but events can be manipulated such that it will be months of ingame time before the party reengages with the main story. Basically we'd be doing the equivalent of a movie cutaway scene that resumes with a 'six months later… '

It is a little on the cheap side, but that interlude could be used to work out some of the problems that have arisen, grow and develop both characters and relationships. You guys could spend a few days of real time hashing out what happens in the interlude in general terms.

If anything seems worth pursuing in detail, I could run some small scenarios in the side stories thread.

Does this sound like a good idea to the rest of you? I know this latest bit hasn't been the most fun thing for everyone.

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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

I think that is a great idea Daishain. That way once the adventure starts back it is all resolved and we move on. I agree with you about our problems go back to the beginning. We didn't tie our group tightly together and we were more a collection of individuals. There was no clear cut leader. The situation in my opinion was almost resolved with Cahleth. Lia was against him for a while but she was beginning to have great respect for him. If he would have stuck around he would have been supported by everyone. His absence forced Poljen into an unnatural role for him.

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support Archive Pathfinder / D&D


That sounds like a great idea. A few days to hash, talk, and bond as a group and that would equate to a few months in game. I like it. If I haven't said it lately, great campaign.

10th Jun, 2017 - 9:38pm / Post ID: #
Zarra Glannath
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Page 255 Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

The Quiet Shadow says...

Sounds like a great idea, though that will bring into consideration what that army will be doing during that time. Unless those reinforcements will be taking care of that? If that is the cause, I guess I can relax in worrying about a lot of bad things happen while our characters are idle.

Still, I think it would do the party good to have some time to unwind and refocus. For everyone to come together, talk, and perhaps find some time to reforge what was damaged. Some great roleplay and character development could be needed in getting the party realigned and buuild yet again a sort of comradery.

Hmm, I will say though with how PaulNelson and I seem to be going at it in our posts I may be feeling a tad encouraged to post even more detail then I have been. As though I was feeling pretty proud of myself in the effort I was showing, seeing his most recent post shows I can do even better. Laughs, it may seem silly but I am in the mood for offering even more and Paul I feel could give me the incentive to give it more of my all in typing up an even more detailed reply.

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:49pm

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Okay I have a question on that 6-months break: I am toying with the idea of creating another character to be played in parallel to Nyzahr… maybe she went off and did her own thing, like: trying to infiltrate the underworld to get more info on the Thay Mages and Azbara, get embroiled into Beshaba's plotting and having to visit the infernal planes again, depart to find a home for her young dragonborn protégée, or any other mysterious endeavor, campaign-related or not.

Would you allow me to re-enter the campaign with a new character while Nyzahr is absent ? Or would you prefer she sticks with the Blaze to nurture the group relationship and keep the plot more linear ?
Or maybe that would set a bad precedent and incite more players to do the same ?

What are the rest of you thinking ?

In any case I'm having great fun with my weird mute tiefling, just thought I'd make things a bit more interesting, is all.
I remain open to suggestions, as always.

Great campaign sofar, in my opinion. And the group's recent "Discordance" is totally ok as far as I (And Nyzahr) are concerned.

Attached Image Edited: AshDrunbar on 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:43pm

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:46pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support


Totally up to you and the Dungeon Master as far as I'm concerned. That said, I love Nyzahr. She adds a whole different dynamic to things. I'd hate to see her go but after her, I can't wait see your new character if you go that route. Also, as far as opening the door, I don't think any of us would change.

EDIT Regarding the discordance (Great word for it) it happens. I'm sure it'll all work out and we'll be one happy adventuring family again soon enough.

Attached Image Edited: Abnninja on 10th Jun, 2017 - 9:48pm

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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support - Page 255

Nyzahr is certainly free to disappear for the intermission and come back when things are interesting for her again. No telling how the group would react though. We'd need to work out a few details, but that would be fine.

If you mean making a second character run parallel to Nyzahr, I'm a bit wary, but go on and give me your spiel.

Post Date: 10th Jun, 2017 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 255

The six month hiatis is ok with me I have issues with it but two questions about it.
1. We're we going to try and catch the slave train and free them?
2. Were we taking the dragon born from the cave to be nurtured and taught to be more towards good and helping people or leave them to their own choices?

I think knowing this can help the group as a whole and help us with coming together some more. Even though I do enjoy the role play of some strife I know it can not last long without the party coming apart.

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