Thomas, I think Lia mentioned that in a post as well. This is a serious blow to what they have planned. I fully expect their higher ups to send assassins after us or maybe another dragon. This is a tremendous amount of effort put forth that is being ruined now.
As regarding these hatchlings and eggs… I think we should exercise extreme caution as to where we send them. Half dragons are extremely rare and wherever these go people will talk. I would expect Cyanwrath or someone similar to attack anywhere the hatchlings are to get them back. Greenest would have no chance. I think a city or nation with a large army might be best.
I agree, it will need to be a more major city that can defend itself from any army thrown at it. Better still with a large army of its' own. Such would be the only way to really make sure that the eggs, hatchlings, and infants are kept safe though I do consider that there might be those of Tiamat's servants who have infiltrated most cities. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jun, 2017 - 3:40pm
I vote to take the hatchlings and leave the eggs for someone else to come back and retrieve. An option is to pursue and attack the caravan that left from here earlier. Take out the guards and use the wagons to transport the eggs. Tallis could wait in the canyon with the prisoners. That was the original plan anyways to attack that caravan. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Jun, 2017 - 4:06pm
Kyr and Thomas are correct, word will spread, and the cult will want them back.
The difficulty of raising them is also a consideration. To say they are likely to be problem children is an understatement.
Their humanoid half grants potential away from the inclinations of their other parent, but if raised in a society that doesn't nudge their alignment in other directions, the bulk of them will likely end up as lawful evil or one step removed. One would expect there to be a few good and/or chaotic individuals in there, but they'll be the minority.
It would not be unreasonable to assume that they would tend to reject the teachings of a chaotic or neutral good society. A lawful good society would however likely provide the structure and discipline most of them would crave while nudging them away from the other aspect of their heritage. Edited: daishain on 14th Jun, 2017 - 4:13pm
Sure, we can go with that plan. At least to start out, though it is possible that not even adding in those wagons will be enough. We may well still have to leave some of the eggs for someone to come back for, perhaps finding a way of getting a message out.
I will say though, the first option isn't even really a choice when we all get right down to it. In large part not only because it was been decided by the majority to be wrong, but because it will I feel cause upset and bring distrust from the kobold matron. We have just told her we won't bring any harm to the lives under her care and will defend them from others doing so, and I feel the eggs could count towards such a promise.
Finally, I wonder if there might be a way of repurposing that scroll mentioned, which would have been used to transport the prisoners to Thay, as perhaps that could be an additional option? If either altered or rewritten, it coule be used to transport the eggs, kobold, hatchlings and infants, perhaps even the prisoners. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jun, 2017 - 4:18pm
I say we consider a lawful good city, one that can provide structure and firmly guide those half dragons who grow up there away from an evil path. Allow the discipline needed and taught morality towards a better life so as to fight the evil nature which would come from their chromatic dragonic blood. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jun, 2017 - 4:35pm
Yes the defense of them and the location they are sent to is a major concern. If there was such a place where they could be raised without any negative influence, with volunteers to teach them morality, preach a peaceful religion and/or allegiance to Bahamut over Tiamat, etc. That would be ideal. A village could even be set up for them so they sort of live in a perfect bubble where they have freedom but no temptations towards the evil side of the world. Perhaps Fay's family lands are this place, I'm just not sure of the distance from here or the size of their armies.