Sorry all, I've started a busy weekend. I'll try to keep up via my phone if there's combat. Velon's goal will be to keep one alive.
I look forward to responding to Lia, Geoffroy and Nazyr's conversations when I have time, but at least that's sort of a 'getting to know you' thing that isn't time sensitive. Just don't die in the meantime *wink*.
Mari's behavior is more and more drawing my attention, not sure if it is as much for others. Leaves me wondering what you have going on Kyrroeth for the young woman. Honestly, I am worried for her though I suspect you have something planned that could offer for some really good roleplay.
Not sure how Major Image will pan out on this one, but here is Nyzahr's first roll of attack in any case…
She will let out a volley with a crossbow, and remain in the darkness trying to pick out her targets at a distance. If things get too crowded, she'll advance to engage, preferring to attack enemies already fighting from the back (Okay, she's no rogue but that could give her an advantage on the attack roll anyway, right ?).
NOTE: if Nyzahr has to stay concentrated on her Image, she will do that for the time being instead of engaging, that is until the enemy realizes it's an illusion. In this later case, either feel free to ignore her dice rolls, or maybe keep them for her first attack in this fight (Whenever that shall be…) ? Edited: AshDrunbar on 20th Jun, 2017 - 12:54am
Thomas, I hope my portrayal hasn't led you to believe that Mari is suicidal because she looks at the poison. She only has doses of it and wants to save them for the right moment. Mari does have an issue or two. They will come out in time.
Edit: Oops. I forgot my bless roll. Here we go. Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Jun, 2017 - 4:08am
That consideration had not come to mind honestly, though Mari's behavior was odd and worrying. Honestly, I had mostly dismissed the potion and not considered it might be a poison. Perhaps though I missed a detail that might have given that impression. Edited: Thomaslee on 20th Jun, 2017 - 4:58am
I also forgot the Bless, but I suspect both Poljen's attacks for round 2 will hit anyway. Daishain, if they would make a difference please let me know when the time comes. But I forgot my generic Saving throw, and will post one here, with Advantage and Bless in case it's a Dexterity, Strength or CON save.