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Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support - Page 279

Generally speaking, the base prices of magic items go as follows:

Common: 150
Uncommon: 500
Rare: 2,500 and not guaranteed to be available in any one particular market
Very Rare: 25,000 and very difficult to find for sale
Legendary: not purchasable

Poljen's proposed Ring of Protection is a Rare item, and thus would look to cost him 2,500 if he does not seek other sources. Source 2p

Single use items like potions only cost 20% of the price listed for their rarity. You can attempt to barter for better prices, but if you do badly the cost may actually go up.

Costs also vary by location and situation, the above assumes normal market conditions.

You can also find black market items for 50-75% off, however purchasing from disreputable sources like this carries a notable risk of being scammed.

As to Cinder's request in the main thread. Yes, an amulet of that description can be easily made. He can also trade in Cyanwrath's armor for a less ostentatious set made for him, with about 200 gp left over in trade credit.

Bear in mind when perusing magic items, you may only use 3 attunement required items at any one point in time.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 27th Jun, 2017 - 4:21pm

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Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 4:21pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Didn't think we'd get away with a portable keep, (Laugh). I suppose the DC to lift one is probably beyond even Poljen's ability *wink*

Yes as I'm sure you can tell Velon is quite happy to place nice whenever sharing an item he carries makes sense for the group. He does love holding it though, as he's quite loud with his heavy armor and it will aid him in not being such a liability to the group when it's time for stealth.

I'm assuming Cratol desires to keep the bag of holding itself. Does he express particular interest in holding on to some or all of the items found within as well?

The luckstone seems particularly strong to me (Along with the blue crystal). Has anyone been lacking in finding magic items that their character holds? Velon has obtained the sword, mace, and silence stone beyond his initial starting item so I cannot complain and will only ask for any of these new items if no one else wants them or you all think it makes the most sense. Let's have a character well versed in medicine carry the disk, perhaps?

Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support Archive Pathfinder / D&D


I'm not sure what the weapons are for 5e and I'm at work so I don't have access to my books here. Is there a Sun Blade in 5e? I'm sure there was one in 3.5 back in the day. If I remember correctly, it was a rare weapon. Is it possible to find one as a scimitar? I ask because to wield two weapons Fay needs to use light melee weapons. I'm not trying to find anything wazoo crazy here… especially since he can only afford a rare weapon. Thanks.

Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Page 279 Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Good choice Abnninja, I was just reading about the sun blade in a 5e magic item guide *smile*

Sorry, so much to post about!

- Any cost for the amulet?

- How much would having detail added to Velon's armor be? He's proud to finally have this purpose and wants to represent Bahamut appropriately. One thought is having the armor colored or tinted gold. Not even sure if or how this could be done in this world, just curious. Another thought is to have the symbol of Bahamut on the chest and/or elsewhere. The Forgotten Realms wiki has a symbol for Him. Source 2k

- I believe my two attuned items are Velon's gauntlets and the mace. If I'm missing one, please let me know. (Believe sword and silence stone do not.)

- Just looked at the side story thread for the first time. I gather we simply post there. Kyrroeth would you like to post there first initiating the idea of splitting the rings, etc.?

Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Support QampA Rules Dragons and Dungeons e Daishains

Online resource for magic items: Source 3d Yes, WOTC has released these details as part of their SRD, so this is an officially sharable resource.

Yes, I'll say that the Sun Blade can be done as a scimitar. It will be a custom job however, which in this case will bump up the price by 200, fair enough? It also means you'll need to wait for the enchanter to do the job, but in this case that is not an issue.

Assuming Velon is just wanting a simple metal globe encasing the silence stone, he can get the amulet done basically for free. Anything more ornate though…

As to armor decorations, that depends on how ornate you get. Simple paint/lacquer can be done fairly cheaply, but it gets dull fast, and otherwise wears off, requiring that it be frequently refreshed.
Gilding would be a considerably more impressive solution, but adding thin gold plating over the steel can get quite expensive as I am sure you can imagine.

Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support

Daishain, I have to ask. The link you shared list Wand of lightning bolts or wand of fireballs as rare magic items. Are they available for 2500 gold pieces?

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Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 6:35pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support - Page 279

Yes they are, bear in mind they require attunement by a spellcaster. I was wondering if someone would see the potential there :P.

Post Date: 27th Jun, 2017 - 6:39pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's 5e D&D Rules, Q&A, And Support
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Daishain's 5e D&D Rules Q&A Support D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 279

So does Lia count as a spellcaster? She uses divine magic but Is a spellcaster *wink*.

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