Seems I messed up again, and maybe I was simply thinking more the Wizards though I had thought that when a cleric cast a spell they're unable to do so for the rest of the day. My apologies for being so mistaken, sighs.
I will edit my post yet again, as well roll here.
Actually, come to find out, it actually works out that I can use the rolls I made originally for the Prayer of Healing for the Cure Wounds. As both are 2d8 plus the clerk's spellcasting ability modifier, if casting Cure Wounds as a 292nd level spell, it's just that the latter is for a party of six and takes 10 minutes to cast. Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Jan, 2017 - 2:19pm
Clerics used to work that way, but neither Clerics nor Wizards do so now.
To put it another way, in 5E all spellcasters act a lot like they are spontaneous magic users. The only difference now is that the traditional prepared spellcasters (Cleric,wizard), can change out their 'spells known' list daily. Spontaneous casters also typically don't have the option to cast spells as rituals.
At your current level, you only need to prepare Cure Wounds once, but could cast it a total of seven times in a day, 4 times as a 1st level spell, and 3 times as a 2nd. Though doing so would naturally prevent you from being able to cast anything else.
You should also know that there is a benefit to casting most spells with a higher spell slot. For instance, I'm sure you noticed that there are no more cure moderate wounds or cure serious wounds spells anymore. That's all been rolled into the single Cure Wounds spell. If you cast it using a 2nd level spell slot, the benefit of that spell increases according to the spell description. Edited: daishain on 18th Jan, 2017 - 5:23pm
What do I roll, if anything, if I want to have simply have my cleric defend himself while casting the spell if he is attacked. I'm going to have Geoffroy try casting Cure Wounds again. Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Jan, 2017 - 5:42pm
There's nothing to roll other than the amount of HP recovered. Someone with the Mage Slayer feat, or who readied an action to attack during the casting, could force a concentration save, but these guys qualify for neither at the moment.
Now what I may be trying is foolishness, or at least a hopeless cause. Geoffroy and I am sure Lia will be against it, but I do feel there might still be use for the dragon blooded sorceress. I want to see what happens, curiosity in the result.
From what I read, and how I understood it, it was simply her will to keep fighting for life that has ended at the moment, not that she has yet died.
This line, "She is staring at nothing, as her fight to keep drawing breath has ended" suggesting such to me. Perhaps I am incorrect, and I will edit my post.
Admittedly, there is some doubt. One could take it either way perhaps, so it is fair for you to ask. Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Jan, 2017 - 1:14pm