Ok, turns out the program doesn't work on my phone; couldn't even see the comments button, much less the other comments. Had to hop on my comp.
I figured that the trap would take too long to set up; which is why I posted alternate options. But I wouldn't be my character (Or myself) if I didn't post that long rant about how to set up the trap if we had time. That and Jack asked me to come up with a trap idea; sorta proud that one actually came to mind when I looked at my gear *laugh*.
I posted a comment on the map saying that if I am unable to cast Burning Hands on round 2 I will attack the N2 Duergar. Here is the roll for that.
[By The Way], I have yet to put away my shield (No matter how many times I've attempted and decided not to actually draw my bow :P) so my AC should be 16 right now.
[Critical Hit] Count
1: 6
20: 3.
Edited: Robertreaper on 30th Jul, 2017 - 2:49pm
My honest apologies, if there was a way I could prevent such I would.
At least I had Geoffroy give warning so that Oswald could prepare for the Daylight being cast. Not much I felt be done, given how big of an advantage it when fighting the duergar given their light blindness.
Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Jul, 2017 - 1:29am
Not that it matters too much, as a 9 is indeed going to miss I'm afraid, but the sunlight spell, unless I misread what Geoffroy intended, is centered on the intersection. Both the dwarves to the north, and Oswald when he gets up to their line, are outside of its influence.
Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that Jack could be using the same strategy as Mari did - so, a Dash as a cunning action - which would bring him right behind Poljen (As I commented on the map). Seeing there's a solid wall of shields there doesn't seem to be much point in using stealth, but hopefully Jack can use his attack rolls and sneak attack bonus to make a small dent in the enemy lines.
Also could we assume he systematically uses his Help ability to support the northern group's rolls, starting with Poljen ?
P.s: sorry about all the "Assuming this and that", just trying to stay abreast of all the nice 5e rogue abilities, still getting used to this system.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 31st Jul, 2017 - 3:28am
I already posted Fay's action for round two. I included a generic save, can you use that for his dexterity roll? Just add his modifier of +2. Note, his armor goes up one for his parrying stance ability and he continued his heat metal spell. Up to 20 points of damage I think. Also, don't forget his sword is equivalent to sunlight in a 15' radius and dim light for 15' more.