Lia will be the leader if the majority wants her. She will happily follow whoever the group chooses. If she feels that the leader is taking unnecessary risks she will say so. She views her role as keeping everyone alive. The structure of our group is a little unusual. We have more loners than "Team" players in the Silver Blaze. No insult intended. I meant people who are more concerned with other groups or their own issues than our group. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Jan, 2017 - 11:57pm
Just to make a bit of emphasis, I purposely left out who exactly Geoffroy looked to briefly involving who he felt most fell under his criticism. The intention being for the others to decide if they think the cleric's words applied to their characters.
Yet, despite such omission, I can see two who may well be fairly obvious targets for his words, all things considered. Though I hope the intention was clearly given is not that he is trying to attack them with his words, simply offering his thoughts on what he expected of a leader. Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jan, 2017 - 2:18pm
Ok, minor clarification. The two women (I still haven't named them have I? Need to correct that) who wanted to come to Greenest simply wished to accompany the caravan there, and help as they can with whatever you find. They aren't specifically trying to join the Silver Blaze, and there's no need to include them in this meeting.
I suppose you guys could extend an invitation for them to join your group if you wanted. They might even accept depending on when and how they're asked. But to be frank, their skills are not up to snuff compared to the rest of you.
In the interest of indirectly mediating the ongoing discussion, from my perspective, you don't need or even necessarily want a leader who makes all the decisions, especially off the battlefield. What you could use is some means to act in a coordinated manner when decisions are crucial and there's no time for debate.
Such can be had through a great deal of implicit understanding between party members, but achieving that level of cohesiveness is not going to be easy with this group. Far easier would be to have someone who by default tries to coordinate your efforts while in the fray. That person doesn't need to be a dictator, just try to give some semblance of a baseline for others to work with.
A decent example of how things can go wrong when everyone's just doing their own thing was had recently, when Onwen's Web spell was ruined by a certain someone's fireball. Granted, she was a rogue in more than one way, but the same thing could easily happen between Onwen and Geoffroy, especially next level, when the latter gets Fireball on his list of bonus spells. Edited: daishain on 26th Jan, 2017 - 5:00pm
If you give me all about 30 minutes I should have a finished post that I can offer for Geoffroy, my apologies for not posting anything sooner, but I haven't had much time to type all of it out yet because of having a busy shift.
Not only that but I do have quite a bit for my cleric to go over, as well respond to, in what has been said by others. I will be having him going over most of it what has been said, taking in consideration all the sides and points of view.
Again, my apologies for not being able to post sooner I'll try to get that done as soon as possible.
You posted only 11 hours before, in a game setting that typically expects people to take a full day. You have nothing to apologize for.
I have to say, Cratol's silence is rather amusing as people wax eloquent around him. Edited: daishain on 27th Jan, 2017 - 1:57am
Yes, well if I had been able to post sooner I perhaps may not have needed to make a chapter responding to all of it. Laughs, it is a bit more then I normally post but again there was a lot to go over while making sure Geoffroy never says he is the best pick while even giving support to a lot of what Cahleth says though he has yet to offer who he votes for.
I will admit, it is amusing. Really though I could see a lot of what is being said more then a few ant or are able to comment two. A couple not so bright perhaps while another may simply wish to wait like Cratol.
Still, perhaps I am having make Geoffroy a bit too long winded in his words. Edited: Thomaslee on 27th Jan, 2017 - 2:07am
Out of Character: You have to remember Cratol is one that was used to living alone and he feels that people talk to much as it is. He is one who can say a lot with a grunt here or there. Sometimes saying little to nothing can say a lot.