Thanks, I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Should I see about rerolling or just say that for this round will just add in the bonuses that I forgot? Then next round I'll make sure to add the bonuses.
I mentioned this before Kntoran, but you apparently didn't see. You get 2 attacks per round. A bonus action lets you improve that to three. Both a bonus action and a ki point shifts that up to four. That's it, without assistance from something aside from monk features, you can't get five, much less six attacks. On the plus side, if you spend that ki point for four attacks, you do get to try and impose one of three status effects. I remember you used to use those, but you haven't lately.
And yeah, 3.5 shambling mounds gained points of constitution when hit by lightning. The 5e version just heals for the same amount of damage the lightning would have hurt another creature. I was waiting for Lia to pull out lightning bolt only to undo a round or so worth of damage :D.
Edited: daishain on 31st Aug, 2017 - 3:33am
I hate that she didn't use a lightning bolt. That would have been interesting. She didn't see the creature as a huge threat and is saving the lightning for tougher battles.
Ninja, you know who I'm talking about *wink* Fay is rolling really well. On the rare occasion that he has a bad roll you can use his luck feat. I know it will all balance out eventually. Fay is on quite a run right now. He should head to the nearest gambling establishment to make his fortune while he is hot.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Aug, 2017 - 3:16pm
Oh I know he only gets a limited number of attacks per round the two plus the bonus of a third. Without using his Ki. I try to add in a couple extra attacks in case of a attack of opportunity presents itself *smile* Normally I put in two attacks with the staff and four with unarmed damage. Thus the six rolls and six damage. Since all my attacks are the same with +6 and all damage is the same at d6 + 3 I thought that would make it easier.
You are evil with the lightning bolt thing. I like it. I know an alt Earth game where some of the creatures you encounter will be just a little different from what's in the PHB, DMG, or MM. I mean, what's the fun of knowing exactly what to do or not to do in an encounter that your characters wouldn't since they've never seen them before.