Lia would already know the answer to that. Snapjaw earlier indicated that he wants to send the non warrior half of the lizardfolk tribe back out of the hidden tunnel, then with them safe, strike for the gate.
He also indicated to the scouting parties (Lia may or may not have been in earshot), that they believe the hostages are being kept in their egg hatchery, which is to your east. He then indicated that both of the as yet unexplored passages will lead you there.
Good sir, can you provide a description of distances from where we are to the two fishing cultists? Also, I assume they have no idea we are near?
I assume they are drunk and have a dozen empty Bud bottles around them with the remnants of another six between them. One is saying something like, "No kidding, it was this bid and I still reeled it out."
Map updated with positioning info. Source 4b
They don't know you're there, have indeed been drinking, and are swapping nonsense tales. No cans, but just for you, they have tapped a small cask of "Bud's Ale" :D.
Edited: daishain on 19th Sep, 2017 - 8:33pm
True, that. But as I said, I was already onto that post when I saw Cinder's. I decided to just do a quick edit to my original post to include Velon's suggestion. THEN I saw yours. At that point the clock was ticking and I decided to stick with the original idea instead of re-writing the whole thing.
But yeah, sleep would have been the thing, actually. I guess maybe Jack was also itching to use his blade, for once! *wink*
Let's hope he won't have to regret that decision.