Got it, I didn't know there were a dozen fighters around him. Fay may be rash, but he isn't suicidal. At least, he isn't suicidal without a darn good reason reason. And by this round I take it you mean this round coming up since he just took an action to shoot Rezmir.
Edited: Abnninja on 30th Sep, 2017 - 10:34pm
I'm considering the round in which he shot Rezmir as the last round rather than this one.
In any case, they're not clustered around him. There's a line of archers at the edge of the wall. The mage is standing a few paces behind them.
As Poljen fights, he lets loose with a shrill whistle. In a couple of rounds that should have Trammet flying above the fray. He was supposed to stay near enough to the keep to be called… though not into direct fighting unless things suddenly got very dire.
Sighs, my apologies for the mistake, I'll see about making an edit ASAP and hopefully I'll still have a little bit of time before I finish my break. Otherwise, I might have to wait for a couple of hours.
My post has been edited so she's focusing on the mage causing Poppo issues.
Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Oct, 2017 - 12:13am
I'm more than a little concerned with this situation. It was bad enough having to take on the one ten foot tall monstrosity. Now there is another one plus a black half dragon. Not to mention an elven mage. By the time we get to the big fight with Rezmir we will be pretty much depleted magically. It will be fully on the martial guys without much healing back up.
By the way, have we had a short rest on this adventuring day so far? This one day has taken weeks it seems like *smile*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Oct, 2017 - 1:59pm
No, I don't believe we took any short rest. We moved immediately after beating the Golem into exploring. Perhaps everyone but the four scouts can have been considered resting while they scouted? Was that enough time for them to get in a rest?